how i hacked my first drone ?

so hello to day i want to tell you story how i get the drone and how i hack it i cant tell you the name of company sorry about it but about other part of it we will research on structures and protocols and part of drones i search for vulnerability i have some other vulnerability also but this part of it is best

first is the h256 encoding and decoding vulnerability on it

  if ((((*frame == '\0') && (frame[1] == '\0')) && (frame[2] == '\0')) && (frame[3] == '\x01')) {
    for (i = 4; i < frame_size - 4; i = i + 1) {
      if (((frame[i] == '\0') && (frame[i + 1] == '\0')) &&
         ((frame[i + 2] == '\0' && ((frame[i + 3] == '\x01' && ((frame[i + 5] & 0xf) == 1)))))) {
        return i;

in this part of code as you can see we have to conditions first is for frame parameters and nal unit and the frame size hmmm

as you can see in for loop we have the i is equal to 4 and if the i is smaller than frame size-4 the for loop will be start so we notice this is actually start from 4 bytes back?

but the all part of it is in my control it and we have the out of bounds read

on this structure

  size_t __n;
  companyname_CHAR (*__ptr) [512];
  companyname_U32 _u32FrameSize-local;
  companyname_CHAR *_pu8Frame-local;
  Rtp_H265_Proc *this-local;
  timezone td;
  timeval tv;
  time_t logtimet;
  FILE *pTxtFp;
  tm *ptimetm;
  companyname_U32 i;

as you can see its have the uint 32 for i and we can controll it

after that i search for how the webrtc on drones work and i found on the some reference on internet

the structure of sending and interaction with mobile and also with the controller is like the messengers with parameters like the mime type and etc...

    track header (tkhd) : volume = 0, width = 0, height = 0

    track reference (tref) : reference_type = cdsc, track_IDs[0] = video track ID

    handler reference (hdlr) : handler_type = meta

    null media header nmhd

    sample description (stsd) : type TextMetaDataSampleEntry, mime_format = application/octet-stream;type=<mime_type>, where <mime_type> is:

        com.parrot.videometadata1 for the v1 format

        com.parrot.videometadata2 for the v2 format

        com.parrot.videometadata3 for the v3 format

        com.parrot.videometadataproto for the proto format

The MIME type in the sample description box is enough to describe the metadata format. Further modification to the data format will require an update of the MIME type.

its also the information about the media type

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|V=2|P|X|  CC   |M|     PT      |       sequence number         |
|                           timestamp                           |
|           synchronization source (SSRC) identifier            |
|            contributing source (CSRC) identifiers             |
|                             ....                              |

so with this structure we have the rtp protocol or Transport Protocol for Real-Time applications

Consequently, the frame metadata are embedded in the RTP stream as packet header extensions with a known 16 bits defined by profile field value.

The defined by profile field is used to recognize the format and version of the data and can have the following values

0x5031, i.e. P1 in ASCII, for the v1 format

0x5032, i.e. P2 in ASCII, for the v2 format

0x5033, i.e. P3 in ASCII, for the v3 format

0x5062, i.e. Pb in ASCII, for the proto format

and also we have this

#define ALTITUDE_MASK       (0xFFFFFF00)  /* Altitude mask */
#define ALTITUDE_SHIFT      (8)           /* Altitude shift */
#define GPS_SV_COUNT_MASK   (0x000000FF)  /* GPS SV count mask */
#define GPS_SV_COUNT_SHIFT  (0)           /* GPS SV count shift */
#define FLYING_STATE_MASK   (0x7F)        /* Flying state mask */
#define FLYING_STATE_SHIFT  (0)           /* Flying state shift */
#define BINNING_MASK        (0x80)        /* Binning mask */
#define BINNING_SHIFT       (7)           /* Binning shift */
#define PILOTING_MODE_MASK  (0x7F)        /* Piloting mode mask */
#define PILOTING_MODE_SHIFT (0)           /* Piloting mode shift */
#define ANIMATION_MASK      (0x80)        /* Animation mask */
#define ANIMATION_SHIFT     (7)           /* Animation shift */

enum flying_state
    FLYING_STATE_LANDED = 0,         /* Landed state */
    FLYING_STATE_TAKINGOFF,          /* Taking off state */
    FLYING_STATE_HOVERING,           /* Hovering state */
    FLYING_STATE_FLYING,             /* Flying state */
    FLYING_STATE_LANDING,            /* Landing state */
    FLYING_STATE_EMERGENCY,          /* Emergency state */
    FLYING_STATE_USER_TAKEOFF,       /* User take off state */
    FLYING_STATE_MOTOR_RAMPING,      /* Motor ramping state */
    FLYING_STATE_EMERGENCY_LANDING,  /* Emergency landing state */

enum piloting_mode
    PILOTING_MODE_MANUAL = 0,      /* Manual piloting by the user */
    PILOTING_MODE_RETURN_HOME,     /* Automatic return home in progress */
    PILOTING_MODE_FLIGHT_PLAN,     /* Automatic flight plan in progress */
    PILOTING_MODE_TRACKING,        /* Automatic tracking in progress */
    PILOTING_MODE_MAGIC_CARPET,    /* Automatic "magic carpet" test in progress */
    PILOTING_MODE_MOVE_TO,         /* Automatic "move to" in progress */

enum followme_anim
    FOLLOW_ME_ANIMATION_NONE = 0,  /* No animation in progress */
    FOLLOW_ME_ANIMATION_ORBIT,     /* Follow-me orbit animation in progress */
    FOLLOW_ME_ANIMATION_BOOMERANG, /* Follow-me boomerang animation in progress */
    FOLLOW_ME_ANIMATION_PARABOLA,  /* Follow-me parabola animation in progress */
    FOLLOW_ME_ANIMATION_ZENITH,    /* Follow-me zenith animation in progress */

enum automation_anim
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_NONE = 0,         /* No animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_ORBIT,            /* Orbit animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_BOOMERANG,        /* Boomerang animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_PARABOLA,         /* Parabola animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_DOLLY_SLIDE,      /* Dolly slide animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_DOLLY_ZOOM,       /* Dolly zoom animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_REVEAL_VERT,      /* Vertical reveal animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_REVEAL_HORZ,      /* Horizontal reveal animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_PANORAMA_HORZ,    /* Horizontal panorama animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_CANDLE,           /* Candle animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_FLIP_FRONT,       /* Front filp animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_FLIP_BACK,        /* Back flip animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_FLIP_LEFT,        /* Left flip animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_FLIP_RIGHT,       /* Right flip animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_TWISTUP,          /* Twist up animation in progress */
    AUTOMATION_ANIMATION_POSITION_TWISTUP, /* Postion twist up animation in progress */

enum thermal_calib_state {

struct metadata_v2_base
    uint16_t id;                   /* Identifier = 0x5032 */
    uint16_t length;               /* Structure size in 32 bits words excluding the id and length
                                    * fields and including extensions */
    int32_t  ground_distance;      /* Best ground distance estimation (m), Q16.16 */
    int32_t  latitude;             /* Absolute latitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  longitude;            /* Absolute longitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  altitude_and_sv;      /* Bits 31..8 = altitude AMSL/EGM96 (m) Q16.8, bits 7..0 = GPS SV count */
    int16_t  north_speed;          /* North speed (m/s), Q8.8 */
    int16_t  east_speed;           /* East speed (m/s), Q8.8 */
    int16_t  down_speed;           /* Down speed (m/s), Q8.8 */
    int16_t  air_speed;            /* Speed relative to air (m/s), negative means no data, Q8.8 */
    int16_t  drone_w;              /* Drone quaternion W, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  drone_x;              /* Drone quaternion X, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  drone_y;              /* Drone quaternion Y, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  drone_z;              /* Drone quaternion Z, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_w;              /* Frame view quaternion W, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_x;              /* Frame view quaternion X, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_y;              /* Frame view quaternion Y, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_z;              /* Frame view quaternion Z, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  camera_pan;           /* Camera pan (rad), Q4.12 */
    int16_t  camera_tilt;          /* Camera tilt (rad), Q4.12 */
    uint16_t exposure_time;        /* Frame exposure time (ms), Q8.8 */
    uint16_t gain;                 /* Frame ISO gain */
    uint8_t  state;                /* Bit 7 = binning, bits 6..0 = flyingState */
    uint8_t  mode;                 /* Bit 7 = animation, bits 6..0 = pilotingMode */
    int8_t   wifi_rssi;            /* Wifi RSSI (dBm) */
    uint8_t  battery_percentage;   /* Battery charge percentage */

struct metadata_v3_base
    uint16_t id;                   /* Identifier = 0x5033 */
    uint16_t length;               /* Structure size in 32 bits words excluding the id and length
                                    * fields and including extensions */
    int32_t  ground_distance;      /* Best ground distance estimation (m), Q16.16 */
    int32_t  latitude;             /* Absolute latitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  longitude;            /* Absolute longitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  altitude_and_sv;      /* Bits 31..8 = altitude AMSL/EGM96 (m) Q16.8, bits 7..0 = GPS SV count */
    int16_t  north_speed;          /* North speed (m/s), Q8.8 */
    int16_t  east_speed;           /* East speed (m/s), Q8.8 */
    int16_t  down_speed;           /* Down speed (m/s), Q8.8 */
    int16_t  air_speed;            /* Speed relative to air (m/s), negative means no data, Q8.8 */
    int16_t  drone_w;              /* Drone quaternion W, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  drone_x;              /* Drone quaternion X, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  drone_y;              /* Drone quaternion Y, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  drone_z;              /* Drone quaternion Z, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_base_w;         /* Frame base view quaternion W (without pan/tilt), Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_base_x;         /* Frame base view quaternion X (without pan/tilt), Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_base_y;         /* Frame base view quaternion Y (without pan/tilt), Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_base_z;         /* Frame base view quaternion Z (without pan/tilt), Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_w;              /* Frame view quaternion W, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_x;              /* Frame view quaternion X, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_y;              /* Frame view quaternion Y, Q2.14 */
    int16_t  frame_z;              /* Frame view quaternion Z, Q2.14 */
    uint16_t exposure_time;        /* Frame exposure time (ms), Q8.8 */
    uint16_t gain;                 /* Frame ISO gain */
    uint16_t awb_r_gain;           /* White balance R/G gain, Q2.14 */
    uint16_t awb_b_gain;           /* White balance B/G gain, Q2.14 */
    uint16_t picture_hfov;         /* Picture horizontal FOV (deg), Q8.8 */
    uint16_t picture_vfov;         /* Picture vertical FOV (deg), Q8.8 */
    uint32_t link_quality;         /* Bits 31..8 = link goodput (kbit/s),
                                    * bits 7..0 = link quality (0-5) */
    int8_t   wifi_rssi;            /* Wifi RSSI (dBm) */
    uint8_t  battery_percentage;   /* Battery charge percentage */
    uint8_t  state;                /* Flying state */
    uint8_t  mode;                 /* Bit 7 = animation, bits 6..0 = pilotingMode */

struct metadata_ext
    uint16_t ext_id;               /* Extension structure id */
    uint16_t ext_length;           /* Extension structure size in 32 bits words excluding the
                                    * ext_id and ext_size fields */
    [...]                          /* Extension fields */

struct metadata_timestamp_ext
    uint16_t ext_id;               /* Extension structure id = 0x4531 */
    uint16_t ext_length;           /* Extension structure size in 32 bits words excluding the
                                    * ext_id and ext_size fields */
    uint32_t frame_timestamp_h;    /* Frame timestamp (µs, monotonic), high 32 bits */
    uint32_t frame_timestamp_l;    /* Frame timestamp (µs, monotonic), low 32 bits */

struct metadata_followme_ext
    uint16_t ext_id;               /* Extension structure id = 0x4532 */
    uint16_t ext_length;           /* Extension structure size in 32 bits words excluding the
                                    * ext_id and ext_size fields */
    int32_t  target_latitude;      /* Target latitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  target_longitude;     /* Target longitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  target_altitude;      /* Target altitude ASL (m) Q16.16 */
    uint8_t  followme_mode;        /* Follow-me feature bit field
                                    *  - bit 0: follow-me enabled (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
                                    *  - bit 1: mode (0 = look-at-me, 1 = follow-me)
                                    *  - bit 2: angle mode (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked)
                                    *  - bit 3-7: reserved for future use */
    uint8_t  followme_animation;   /* Follow-me animation (0 means no animation in progress) */
    uint8_t  reserved1;            /* Reserved for future use */
    uint8_t  reserved2;            /* Reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved3;            /* Reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved4;            /* Reserved for future use */

struct metadata_automation_ext
    uint16_t ext_id;                   /* Extension structure id = 0x4533 */
    uint16_t ext_length;               /* Extension structure size in 32 bits words excluding the
                                        * ext_id and ext_size fields */
    int32_t  framing_target_latitude;  /* Framing target latitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  framing_target_longitude; /* Framing target longitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  framing_target_altitude;  /* Framing target altitude ASL (m) Q16.16 */
    int32_t  flight_destination_latitude;   /* Flight destination latitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  flight_destination_longitude;  /* Flight destination longitude (deg), Q10.22 */
    int32_t  flight_destination_altitude;   /* Flight destination altitude ASL (m) Q16.16 */
    uint8_t  automation_animation;     /* Automation animation (0 means no animation in progress) */
    uint8_t  automation_flags;         /* Automation features bit field
                                        *  - bit 0: follow-me enabled (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
                                        *  - bit 1: look-at-me enabled (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
                                        *  - bit 2: angle locked (0 = unlocked, 1 = locked)
                                        *  - bit 3-7: reserved for future use */
    uint16_t reserved;                 /* Reserved for future use */

struct metadata_thermal_ext
    uint16_t ext_id;               /* Extension structure id = 0x4534 */
    uint16_t ext_length;           /* Extension structure size in 32 bits words excluding the
                                    * ext_id and ext_size fields */
    int16_t  min_x;                /* Minimum temperature spot x-coordinate (relative to frame width), Q11.5 */
    int16_t  min_y;                /* Minimum temperature spot y-coordinate (relative to frame height), Q11.5 */
    int16_t  min_temp;             /* Minimum temperature spot temperature value (K) Q11.5 */
    int16_t  max_x;                /* Maximum temperature spot x-coordinate (relative to frame width), Q11.5 */
    int16_t  max_y;                /* Maximum temperature spot y-coordinate (relative to frame height), Q11.5 */
    int16_t  max_temp;             /* Maximum temperature spot temperature value (K) Q11.5 */
    int16_t  probe_x;              /* Probe temperature x-coordinate (relative to frame width), Q11.5 */
    int16_t  probe_y;              /* Probe temperature y-coordinate (relative to frame height), Q11.5 */
    int16_t  probe_temp;           /* Probe temperature temperature value (K) Q11.5 */
    uint8_t  calib_state;          /* Calibration state */
    uint8_t  flags;                /* Validity flags
                                    *  - bit 0: minimum temperature spot (0 = invalid, 1 = valid)
                                    *  - bit 1: maximum temperature spot (0 = invalid, 1 = valid)
                                    *  - bit 2: probe temperature (0 = invalid, 1 = valid)
                                    *  - bit 3-7: reserved for future use */

so after that we have the everything we need to know about it.....

so to exploit it we have some steps: 1. we need vulnerability from the controller or the protocols like the wifi or other protocols its being used..

  1. exploit the controller or drone its self with other protocols like http and ntp and like RTP ...

NOTE: we can use the cellular network exploits also :)