Hawai'ian Renaissance

How Hawai'i may lead the world as a model of responsible Earth stewardship, and enjoy a Green economic boom!

Legislative Reforms:

People's Budget:

Let the people of Hawai'i make up their own State budget. This could be accomplished via a website where voters can choose where to allocate taxpayer funds. For example:

Inclusive Government:

Abolish the requirement to elect all officials from the same party. Candidates from various parties should work together to solve issues for the people. The system should disallow “winner take all” crony capitalism.

Reduce dependence on US mainland!

Transform Hawai'i into a big Green Energy Powerhouse

Energy sources:

  1. Solar energy
  2. Ocean energy
  3. Geothermal energy
  4. Wind energy

Free electricity, available throughout the State!

Eliminate Gasoline imports!


Ecotourism, not just tourism:

Place strict regulations on tourism, transforming it to sustainable ecotourism.


Funeral rites:

Ban harmful items:

Raise import taxes on anything that can be produced locally!


* Parks & Recreation should eliminate toilet paper and chemical porta-potties. * Fit toilets with bidets that use solar energy to pump filtered sea water to wash your rear. * Provide Earth friendly soap. * Supply desalinated tap water. * Treat the sewage locally as humanure. Decentralize sewage processing.


There is a small financial incentive for people to pick up recyclable bottles and cans. However, a large portion of the garbage is not recyclable and goes into the Ocean. Examples: * Cigarette butts ( mentioned above ) * Plastic wrappers * Bottle caps * Food containers

Tool lending libraries:

Hawai'is State Library System should make household tools available to check-out, as easily as books, movies, or musical instruments. Every household does not need to have a full set of tools at all times.

Educate people in sustainable living

The USA may fight oil wars, but

Not In Our Name!

Hawai'ian Renaissance by Ashwin Dixit is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Ashwin Dixit