22 08 13 [22:20]

The amount of progress I've made in the past months is unreal to me. I think about what I've been able to accomplish in the past and it doesn't even compare to what I've learned to do in all but 2 -- 3 months? It feels great. But now I've hit a wall. I've always has an idea in my head, that once I started to achieve things, start going somewhere, that people would notice and treat me differently. I feel stupid now for thinking that people would notice or even care. Like, really fucking dumb. I know it's not really that crazy of a thing to think and I don't think it's conceited or anything. But I still feel fucking foolish. And I feel like a whiny child for writing about it now. I wish I didn't care. I wish all that mattered to me was my own recognition of my accomplishments. But that's not the case, and I have to get past it.


I really enjoy coding in Python. I wish I had a faster computer so I could actually use it for machine learning and stuff. It just isn't feasible to learn right now. Waiting 5 minutes to train a network on less than half a page of data just really isn't going to work out. At the very least it's much easier to make DLL calls and use the Win32 API in Python than it is with AutoHotkey. Well, only in some cases. And manually managing the memory of variables in AutoHotkey and all that is actually really fun so I prefer using AutoHotkey for that anyways. Also helps with understanding bit shifts, combining lowords/hiwords, etc. All the same, the actual act of coding in Python is really satisfying, so might as well make room for it.

I wanted to make a desktop app that embeds this website within it so I wouldn't have to open my main browser to use it but alas it does not allow for itself to be embedded. Sad.