22 03 18 [20:50]

I vaped some THC earlier, probably a couple of hours ago. I feel pretty chill. I've been listening to Deca[1]; I almost forgot how much I liked getting things done to it. I'm reading some essays on Anarchistic things because I don't know much about it and want to learn what it really means as a philosophy. It's slow going but I think it's worth it.

My day went surprisingly well. I refrained from binging on food which is good as I don't know if I'd have enough for the week if I did. I did last week for a few days... and the week before. I end up not having food for a day or so. It's not ideal. I'm trying to keep a steady, healthy diet going.

Mickey did pretty well. We got a couple miles in, did some puzzles, played, etc. It's hard to give him enough stimulation and exercise because he has no yard to run in at the moment, due to a situation involving my father's teenage friend-who-won't-talk-to-him-now's cat kept back there until he finds a different home? Regardless, he's having a hard time-- my dog that is, Mickey. He's a bit depressed and the best thing that seems to happen to him now outside of walks in the forest :/ (great but it gets old when you go every ~1.5-2 hours, even for him) is food. He wasn't like that until I've not been able to let him run around. It'll pass, though.

I got a bit done with a top down shooter I was working on and then just started a new project that I haven't put anything into yet. But I didn't like it anyways to be perfectly honest. I liked how far I was able to go for sure. The project got pretty big and I'm learning how to better handle it. I'm simultaneously unlearning what I've learned from other people on the internet. I got some bad advice for managing a project. Great advice for a project with 5 scripts and 1 tile sheet asset. I'll go further on this next one. I've been alternating between 2D and 3D projects and this one will be 3D, so I get to design some models and 3D textures. I'm not so excited about the 3D textures but I definitely need some practice.

So I've noticed these past few days that a soft hit from my THC makes reading and writing a great deal easier. I'm not confident that it's as cohesive, chronological, or nonrepetitive as normal, but I'm not confident it isn't either. I have an easier time writing directly what's in my head, I think. I don't stop as often.

1. The Way Through from Deca [bandcamp]