22 03 31 [14:30]

I just ordered some food through Publix delivery. I did the same thing last week. I have the trial; I'm probably not going to renew it. And then I'll have to show my face in public :(. Oh well.

I need to get a headphone dongle for my iPhone to use my newer headphones but I don't want to spend money on that. I'm stubborn when it comes to stupid fucking companies turning features into "priveleges". Giving my money to some random Chinese company for it seems slightly better at least, if not just to turn a sure negative thing into a guess.

I can feel my focus being tugged,
as though by tidal forces.

I try to oppose the force equally,
careful not to pull too hard,
waiting to see if I didn't pull hard enough.

I'm near the crest of the wave,
straightening my body and neck,
prolonging the immanent fall as best I can.