

“It's an undemocratic coup!”

“On the contrary we in the Democratic Party respect the spirit and letter of the law. I am the vice president to president Joe Biden. American voters know what that means. When voting, in a general or re-election primary, for a presidential candidate, it is with understanding that the vice president may step into the presidential role. It has happened numerous times. And it is especially on the voters' minds when the top of the ticket is older. Your supporters know that a vote for you is a vote for... uhhh JD Vance — just as the last 2 times around, votes for you were in support of Mike Pence. Presidential tickets are a package deal. If you were unable to fulfill your duties I'm sure your supporters understand that they are also voting for a potential President Vance. It makes it easy to run against you both because he's in your exact mould. He's every bad quality that is in you, without being a tv star. You may not be able to understand this because it is you not us who reduce everything to identity politics. You may see me as a middle-aged brown-skinned woman and Joe Biden as an older white man and not understand that we share the same values. American voters can understand what you cannot. They chose us over you four years ago and I believe they will reject you again. It's been the honor of my life to be Joe Biden's vice president. It will be an honor to serve as his successor as I finish the job that he and I started. We are the respecters of democracy. You are the coup leader.”

— Am I the only one who plays fantasy speechwriter? I've invented a term & tag for my pretend campaign work:


By Rob Middleton who can be reached @[email protected] on Mastodon