Old-School Essentials: Session 15
Yes it's awkward to start the recaps from session 15, but I don't feel like transcribing everything from my notebook onto the blog. The recap post has a very brief summary of important events.
(NOTE: The campaign uses twelve 28-day months, three for each season)
Springstide 24 – Springswane 3
The party takes a downtime week after returning to Riversmoot triumphant after killing the Manticore. Charles and Darwoshi Revel in town, Uzhor makes unsuccessful attempts to research the Gnoll horde in the northern badlands, and Orlaf practices with his weapons.
Tensions simmer in town as a power struggle forms in the mercenary Red Company. With the death of the Red Lord at the claws of the Manticore, his wizard lieutenant Arasto has proclaimed himself rightful leader of the Company. The rest of the mercenaries aren't buying it.
The party elects to hunt down a fossilized skeleton they unwittingly unleashed onto the outlying countryside from the Tomb of the Serpent Kings with a successful turn undead near a dungeon entrance, as they feel it's their responsibility. The fighters and dwarves stock up on blunt weapons, having learned that other types of weapons do not harm them.
Springswane 4 – 5
On a hot not-June day, the party rides out in search of the skeleton. Their first day of searching is unsuccessful, but they pass by an old stone tower currently manned by bandits, and make a note to come back later. The group crashes in a barn overnight, and searches again the next day.
Around dusk, they find their quarry, mindlessly tearing up fenceposts as it shambles down the trail. After the initial round of attacks is ineffective, Himbus intuits that the fossilized bone is nearly impervious to harm. A harebrained scheme is hatched: Charles, Himbus, and Orlaf restrain the skeleton while Uzhor ties it up with rope. They will bring it to the town's bishop to be destroyed via a high-level cleric's Turn Undead. The party immediately sets out to get back to Riversmoot, not expecting to return until after midnight.
On the way to town, they spot the telltale pinprick red eyes of Fungus Goblins, stalking them through the night and hurling obscene threats as goblins do. Panicking for a moment as Hector is not with them to dissuade his “subjects,” they instead choose to threaten to sic the skeleton on them, knowing that these goblins live in the Tomb of the Serpent Kings and will recognize it. The gambit works; the goblins scatter into the night.
Around 2 AM, the party knocks on the door of the Church, seeking the aid of the Bishop. He obliges, destroying the skeleton with a successful turning attempt.
Springswane 6 – 15
Much reveling is done in town as many characters are close to gaining levels and want the extra XP. Uzhor makes further attempts to research the gnolls but is still empty-handed by the end of the week other than unrelated reports of barbarians swearing fealty to the Chaos-pledged Lord Darkhammer making camp near an abandoned wizard tower.
Charles and Darwoshi announce their intention to wipe out the bandits and claim their tower stronghold for themselves.
The Red Company Power struggle comes to a head as Elizabeth Greenslade challenges the wizard Arasto to a duel for leadership of the Company. Elizabeth effortlessly defeats him, but before the final blow can be struck, Arasto disappears, teleporting away to an unknown destination.