Works published and in progress

Publshed short stories


In issue 24 of Mythaxis. Beth Simpson struggles to survive on an Earth that has suffered a major climate catastrophe. Set in the same universe as my as yet unpublished novel The Long Fall.


Flash fiction originally published in issue 8 of All Worlds Wayfarer.

Stand or Fall

December 2021 Metaphorosis. Ilyas Bardakci seeks the tyrant that betrayed his home, but finds something else. Set in the Long Fall universe.

In The Weave

In issue 29 of Mythaxis. A young alien on a dying planet sees the world very differently than we do. Also available in The Best of British Science Fiction 2022 from Newcon Press

Spinning The Dream

In the Spring 2023 issue of The Colored Lens

A spinoff story from my novel The Measurement Problem. A mysterious client asks Erica Fallon to find her brother, but there's no evidence he ever existed.


Online at Flash Point SF. Another quantum multiverse story, set in a pub.

Novels in Progress

The Long Fall

A novel of survival, the last two thousand survivors of a war of extermination against humanity struggle to rebuild what they have lost.

The Measurement Problem

An SF/Crime crossover novel. Detective Inspector Lewis Drake must solve his own murder and find the wife he has never met. This one grew out of the idea in “Entangled”. The novel won the Hodderscape/Science Museum SF Debuts Prize.

The Bookseller has a lovely writeup and an awful photo.

When The Enemy Comes

The Enemy is coming and everyone will die. The struggle intensifies to be among the lucky few who can escape. This one started as a short story, grew into a novella and now sits at around 50,000 words – a short novel. Set in the Long Fall universe.