2021/12/14 #poetry As long as you can use the language with zest, your poetry will always be the best.

First you take the bus to the train, then the tram to the aeroplane. Up you go fast and far, then down and one more leg by car. Once you're there you exclaim: 'All this way and I feel the same! Wherever I've gone I'm here and I'm me, none of this movement has helped me just be. No rushing around, not hither nor yon, is taking away the distress I want gone. I feel unease, not much but it's there, and the more I attack it the deeper it spears. Even with everything money can buy. Still underneath even when I get high. I've tried really hard, I've had therapy, but nothing and no one has set my mind free. Meditation is better than not, but can't seem to get me as far as I'd thought. Long walks by the shore, a hike in the trees, only can spare me a moment of ease. I want it now and I want it forever, is this doomed to be a fruitless endeavor?' Fear not my friend, I've been there, I know. Believe me when I say there's more to the show. You can find your peace, you can keep it too. The big secret is that there's nothing to do. As you've plainly found you can't escape you. Your feelings are feelings but the meaning's not true. You made that part up or you learned what was told but the ideas and labels are too much to hold. They pull you apart, as you very well know. These are the things that you have to let go. The story you tell of what the feeling means is what bothers your mind and itches your jeans. It's just a sensation, it moves and it changes. The reaction you have when you feel it ranges. If you go looking for one you'll find it no sweat, the one you imagine is the one that you'll get. Think of a time you were sad and you'll find you can feel it now, it pops up in your mind. So focus on what you are looking for not the thing that you'd rather just be forgot. Reframe that buzzing in your chest, call it excitement instead of unrest. Look where you're heading, not where you've been. There's not much more to it so go on, begin.