2021/12/25 #poetry If you're serious about finding the meaning in the flame you can't simply stare at it forever and expect to get anywhere First you have to properly define your question Then you have to construct a hypothesis that could feasibly answer your question Then you have to construct a way to test out or to confirm or disconfirm this hypothesis by experiment or by reading or being told of previously obtained results Then when you sit and stare at the flame you can let you brain convince you that you can now see happening before you what you now believe to be true That it was simply beyond perception before is not a concern for you That others can not see it plainly is also not important You have been enlightened and now you are able to experience these secrets first hand You can automatically ignore the in the moment sensory experience in favor of the homogenized reduction in your mind You can let any contrary or conflicting experiences go as optical artifacts or pure hallucination not worthy of mention You can rest assured that nothing need change your mind ever again