2021/12/30 Waiting, or intermittency, is a key to enjoyment of most things. Other than breathing there's almost nothing that you can enjoy continuously. Even breathing is better with variance. Some things you might suggest that you can do continually and it will stay a source of joy. Perhaps being with someone you really like comes to mind. It might be true for you, though it isn't for most people, that this companionship brings you gratitude no matter how long you spend together. Two things about this situation should be said, first, the activities you do with them and the things you say to each other change all the time. If you were to meet someone that always did and said the same things with you every time you saw them that would certainly get old. Second, even if you do find continuous enjoyment from their presence you would certainly find that being away for a time would make you appreciate them even more. When the tree is brimming with ripe fruit for weeks, you have a harder time savoring each bite of the same thing over and over. That first fruit of the year though, that is just so good, every time.