2022/1/13 Oh, another morning has trailed off into the past. There was a warm coat. There was meditation. There was a warm fire. There was a warm drink. There was a book. There was a warm breakfast. And then the computer. Oh, it's not so much the computer that takes all this time from useful and enriching things but the connection it has to the internet and the capability to display, interact with, and navigate the incredible surfeit of activities to engage in there. The advice to go in with a goal is good but it hardly stands up to the test of 'just checking'. That 10 seconds it takes to just see if there is any new item that was sent directly to you that you really should take action on is almost immediately co-opted by the slurry of other interesting but generally broadcast items that you don't need to take any action on and perhaps, if you had the mind to, should avoid exploring, noting and appreciating the ones you initially saw and leaving it at that. But now, at exactly noon, having written something at least, I feel that I did retain some control and am fairly satisfied.