2022/1/29 #poetry You could find out so very easily. You could use the incredibly numerous resources at your disposal through the internet. You could find them with a search or even ask. But instead you would rather confirm your current beliefs or reinforce new beliefs that suit your whims. I'm not saying that it is easy to figure out what is accurate. Nor that it doesn't take work. Just that you could compare information, sources, and arguments that favor opposing opinions and see which ones are emotionally driven and which ones are based on solid logic. That wouldn't make it impossible for you to be fooled, but it would make it a lot harder. Attempting to avoid being fooled by agreeing with anything that threatens that you will be fooled by others should you ignore it is not such a great tactic. Attempting to reconcile conflicting information rather than taking any dictum as wrote will go a long way toward actually preventing deception.