2022/1/5 #poetry So, since there's nothing for it, I suppose I should ignore it But the process is rather rough, no cinch to tear my focus off Once my task is underway my mind will just not stray I must find whatever I mislaid Concentration will not be swayed The need consumes my total will A sense of calm I can't instill This desperation does not fit But I can not get rid of it Even when forced to another task My mind looks back and screams aghast 'That thing you lost, I know it's there We still haven't looked everywhere.' But I gave up, for at least today I'll put those thoughts out of the way The time to search gives no return No matter how strong and deep I yearn It will turn up, things always do I'm sure that I will make it through Relax, let go, be done for now This obsession I disavow