2022/10/5 #poetry I think the biggest jerk is the one that does what they don't want to do you cause everyone to suffer that way, including yourself if you do something that you want to do that causes suffering to others at least you got something out of it if you go to a job you don't like and perform actions you would rather not for the sake of 'needing to work' well, you're an imbecile now the other people in the world have not the chance to do what they want to do you ruined it all perhaps you are a cleaner you personally don't like doing it but you know what? if you weren't filling that position with your grumbling inept self someone who does want to do it could have that job you shouldn't have applied and blocked them in the first place and if you do like cleaning but the working conditions make your experience unlivable you should make sure that everyone knows why you quit and that company should go out of business your persistence through hardship makes it so the trap stays set for others to fall into you say you would be a better boss but you continue to enable the one you despise Think that the army isn't for you, aren't ecstatic about being conscripted? You might be afraid for your life but everyone around you is most likely in the same boat all of you are agreeing to remain complicit and reinforcing your own plights next, you kill for the sake of not being imprisoned or killed or tortured by your own country how is that fair to anyone? You should be fighting them instead Don't like the way the airport security treats people? refuse to participate don't like the terms of service for the website that you are expected to use don't sign up don't like the fact that you aren't welcome in certain areas go there anyway if you and all the rest of the tenants in your building continue to give money to someone who doesn't keep up their side of the bargain who is doing wrong? You all are you can't excuse your behavior by appeal to authority that makes the world a worse place overall you need to take your own responsibility to make moral decisions that enhance your and everyone else's lives when you give in to doing something that you know is wrong because you can't figure out a better way it makes you the culprit in all that isn't right everywhere