Daily writing practice
2022/6/22 With total understanding of all the effects, and secondary effects and so on, what choices would we make? Is it only our ignorance, this veil of unknowing, that allows us to act at all? Might we still do things that produce negative effects since time and other options would have even worse results?
2022/6/20 #poetry After you've learned to value something care for something in some way, when you see that care not being applied some subtle abuse being perpetrated it can seem quite vile the violence of ignorance but it's just a perspective determined by your current values ones that you too had to learn
2022/6/17 #poetry Throughout the places I visit, in this great conurbation, collected & created objects are everywhere. Way too many to count. Too many to even notice all of them. Management of innumerable objects occupies the days of major portions of the population. All creatures live in a world of things, our things have just taken on such specific purposes that often they seem strange or unnecessary, that purpose being lost or not salient for a time.
2022/6/16 #poetry The churning fog of my possible future. Swirling about, buffeting my mind up, down, & all around. I should remember to remain steady, centered. I have the skill, I could use it & live without worry. Yet the fluctuating possibilities are so compelling, & the skill takes some effort to implement & is hardly ever top of mind. Hardly worth it, right?