view2022/10/21 #poetry
I tend toward prolix exclamations
woe are those in range of my voice
There'll be no stopping my explanations
on they trail without your choice
I have a point and I will make it
in a longwinded and roundabout way
tangents are fine as long as we loop back
and never veer too far astray
the time they take is entirely worth it
chatting for hours makes life fun
more information is always better
you'll have it all before I'm done
I would go on but brevity is a virtue
I do very well know all about that
it's not that I value superfluous wording
but I just like to keep the whole picture intact
I present to you without interpretation
every fact that I still know
If we don't start by establishing first principals
how can we figure out where to go?
Every utterance needs definition
ambiguity will not stand
once we've fully set the stage
the show will really be quite grand
view2022/10/20 #poetry
Deep breaths
to calm
deep breaths
to energize
deep breaths
to focus
deep breaths
to relax
a recipe for taking charge
Rapid shallow breaths
to increase emotion
presurize it
move into it
a recipe for movement
view2022/10/19 #poetry
Enough is not enough
You can tell because of how much is taken
even when it should be enough
or when it is at the point that was originally designated as
The scale seems to shrink
as we go along
where once we saw a large
distant goal
it is now where we are
we feel the same
comfortable or un
and the work to attain it is done
and new horizons can be glimpsed
so toward them we progress
bouied up by our success
Should we stop for others sake?
Opportunity is ours
it seems like such a waste
to ignore rewards like these
beyond what previously
were our wildest dreams
view2022/10/18 #poetry
Here in a box
I play with words.
We call it a room
because it is big.
How does your box
contain your life?
Is it brimming
or sparse?
Well planned
or a jumble?
or a mess?
Well appointed
or paltry?
Does it delight
or is it a blight?
Life can change
so keep lifted your chin.
if you're so inspired
now's the time to begin.
view2022/10/17 #poetry
Shopping really is addictive
it really is it's true
I'm not so into buying things though
I just like to place in my cart and go, I'm through
Comparing all the options
gaining knowlege of what is good
I start out thinking I need to buy something
but by the end I don't know if I should
It helps me not waste money
but it certainly wastes my time
instead of uncompleted shopping
I could be out somewhere committing crime
view2022/10/16 #poetry
So, I should put my laundry away
it'll give me more space to play
but it takes time out of my day
'n it's more convenient for it to stay
so I might just leave it that way
but my conscience says nay,
that a bad habit I say
so I relent with yeah, OK
and fold it up for display
view2022/10/15 #poetry
Very many things
that we must count
to understand
why life is good
or we can feel it
just how it is
without rationalization
certainly without judgment of sensation
taking each instant in
without holding
breathing each moment out
awaiting more
view2022/10/14 #poetry
Eyes that look like they could see through walls
the intensity comes from contrast
substance and emptiness
Carrying them is a person
more than just eyes
but the eyes are what hits you
It is hard to shake
such a departure from the every-day
and with beauty well beyond mere novelty
view2022/10/13 #poetry
It didn't rain
there were no clouds
the sun was rather bright
so I'm struggling
to comprehend
what I'm feeling isn't right
since the weather was nice
it couldn't be that
so maybe it was my clothes
but they look clean
and smell nice too
not them either I suppose
could it be that my nose
is very slightly stuffed?
but that is something I would feel
and I've checked it quite enough
My shoes aren't a pain
My ride was smooth
The chair I'm in is fine
I'm not hungry yet
there's no reason to fret
everything seems in line
whatever it is will probably
fade away all on it's own
I have nothing to point my finger at
nothing to bemoan
Did I leave the oven on?
That would be a major concern
but it's so far away
all I can do is pray
that nothing ends up burned
view2022/10/12 #poetry
Does the sigh dislodge the impediment?
The spiderweb or cellophane or whatever between you and the work
Does the sigh disperse it, cut through it, dissolve it?
Perhaps it packs it away, leapfrogging over it
leaving it aside to deal with later
Does the sigh lift you up?
Enlarge you?
Make you bigger than the issue, momentarily
so you can start, ignoring it for a while?
Does the sigh energize you?
Focus your mind?
Steel you?
Ferry you past on a raft of pleasure?
Does the sigh clear your mind?
Does it work?
Do you like it?