2021/12/7 #poetry It's been 3 weeks and I haven't needed to finish unpacking. Could be expected. Most people own many things that they don't use. I guess it's time for me to say goodbye to most of that stuff. Well, I mean, not just talk to it but actually get rid of it. Toss it overboard, into the simmering stir of others lives. Take what I took. Feel that you may make interesting experiences from them as I did. Maybe you won't let those possibilities go to waste. Desire actualized. Either way, I won't be the one to need to carry it, store it, clean it, and eventually get rid of it once I've already got rid of it. You can enjoy it or regret it in my stead. I'll pass the responsibility. Have fun!
2021/12/6 #poetry I have a little bit of a problem When I blink I see the answers to everyone else's Unlike Cassandra, I don't need magic Most people are just not too bright Turns out they don't like being shown it Makes 'em feel small I suppose Unlike Cassandra I'm not destined to encounter resistance It's mostly my manner that steps on their toes I could probably learn to work it in nicely To gently nudge them toward what they need To start with some sympathetic agreement I've heard that with this they'll more likely take heed I could say that I've been there Or heard of a friend That the book I am reading Is about the same trend It may work better Than what I do now I need not be sarcastic Or raise an eyebrow I can just let them have what they came to me with If they want my advise they can ask me for it When they don't I'll suppose that is not why they're here That my best course of action is to just lend an ear That a smile or a frown at appropriate cues Will win me more points and it won't light their fuse
2021/12/5 #poetry I called the wrong number. I called back a few times, not having been corrected. It wasn't until, in person, I asked, did something happen to your phone? that it was suggested that I had the wrong number. Had I used the right number, things would have been more complicated. More pieces in motion, more balls in the air. It worked out for me, and for the other person, that I missed the connection, that my message went nowhere. Next time I notice such casual confusion I'll remember to check that the number is true. It may not save me from complicated commitments, but I'll have much more luck in my attempts to get through.
2021/12/4 #poetry As you know, it can be very easy to have your mind taken around Pain steals your mind Distracting you from anywhere else you may wish your mind to be A moment of pause to adjust your position can put you off track The direction your mind goes is very fickle There is told of techniques to bring more control If there are any that are truly effective then they are secret from most Context is the most effective control When the arrow is aimed and drawn you are more likely to shoot The ability to follow through is not merely an option Inertia carries you along Most of our life proceeds to the expected next step from where we are Responses preprogrammed This is your greatest tool
2021/12/3 #poetry The spaces we make and the ones we find are able to shape the process of our mind We integrate into the places and they are part of us as we are part of them alone or with others the aspects of the environment influence our psyche temperature and echo brightness and expansiveness openness and busyness clutter, color clean lines or organic shapes homogeneity or ramshackle area will change how you are
2021/12/2 #poetry Amazingly, the house was quiet. Just for a few minutes the raucous activity that seemed to fill every day there had settled down. It was almost eerie but such a welcome treat. A little quiet, a moment of mental rest, goes a long way to keeping one balanced. As expected, it wasn't to last long. Just a quick reminder that quiet exists.
2021/12/1 #poetry Even when the air isn't very good you have to breathe something. I wish it weren't so That I could hold out to only breathe the freshest the cleanest Pure, healthy air pollution free unscented but waiting isn't possible not for air. It seems that few things have such a profound and immediate impact as air few things will kill you to go without for just a few minutes
2021/11/30 #poetry I am a wielder of warnings I'll tell you what not to do I'll say that you shouldn't You can't Or you won't I'll tell you that dangers lurk, hover, and swarm I'll give you the option To think before you act And you'll say It's inconvenient Unwanted Mean Taunting That you'll do what you want to do Well, me too But I like to be informed
2021/11/29 #poetry Waiting for inspiration Really doesn't seem Like the best way To get things done I probably shouldn't do it The problem is That as ways go It's certainly the most fun I can wait quite a while Too Time pressures Are scarce for me And all too soon The year is through And I still have everything To do You see? So waiting for inspiration Will have to wait
For times when Nothing is at stake When I can't even make A note When in the shower Or as the pen runs out of ink In the midst of a party While ordering a drink Deep in meditation And while too groggy in my bed Anytime the only place to keep The ideas is in my head If it'll be forgotten Then inspiration knows Failure can not touch it It's safe to be exposed It jumps into your mind From its secret hiding spot Because it can run right back While it knows it can't be caught
So don't wait for inspiration Make some progress while you can Don't worry what will happen Just lift the pen and move your hand