
talk about a change,
its good, sometimes.
and sometimes its not.
but its gonna change,
whether you like it, or you don't.
everything's moving,
everything's changing.
look around you,
the day is gonna turn into a night,
the night will pass on,
the sun will rise, again.
the trees, will turn yellow,
and the seedlings will grow.
the point is, there will be changes,
everything will change into,
everything but new?
days will pass by and years will fly,
today the sky might grow grey,
tomorrow it will turn blue.
something will be made,
and nothing, left out.
yesterday is over, tomorrow is unforseen,
but today is all it's about.
all above and below, now and then,
the past, all history; and the future a mistery.
present is all you have, all the changes that appear,
with this change, you and I grow,
rising from today's dusk; a dawn;
the future, and a beautiful new year.

Happy New Year 2081

©Kendra Pokhrel