hymns of the lust

(context: I watched nymphomaniac vol 1 and got the idea and decided to write a word or two. Turns out just the idea isn't enough neither are just the words. I had to look at myself as a female would look at her in the mirror. let the lewd consume you, let it devour on your sanity and look at yourself as a young girl. and also watch the movie, it's great)

young and voluptous nymph was I,
a maniacal mind and a provocative body,
my head, wrapped by the thirst of sex,
and heart filled with desires.
the constant arousal,
and my inclination towards intimacy,
while my curves paved the path of thy body,
my psychotic mind, weaved another fantasy.
i was born, or so was I told,
i made myself a woman, warm cunt; mind cold.
a sane celibate you argued,
a lunatic, a vamp all I saw,
you saw my potency in the mirror,
and I eyed a corrupt lusty sinner.

a person, itchy and lascivious ever,
frantic mind, deliberating sensuality forever.
where others found pain,
I espied erotic delectation.
my life became a racy novel,
the pavé's slut; my afflation.

standing at the dawn of today,
I narrate my story looking back,
an insane mind, rather more demoniac,
my hidden anecdote,
dance of the dervish and a skins' song,
and the journey of a nymphomaniac.

©Kendra Pokhrel