Editing Services

If you're working on a book manuscript, dissertation, master's thesis, project proposal, or other professional document, you may be tempted to rely on an LLM to revise your work. Though LLMs are good at suggesting alternative versions of short texts, they cannot follow extended arguments, evaluate source usage, or adopt the perspective of your audience. For these tasks, you need a human with experience in research and writing.

I offer developmental and stylistic support, as well as proofreading and copyediting services. Email ([email protected]) for rates with the word “Editing” in the subject line and let me know how I can help your project.

Acknowledged as a reader in:

Cover of Jones' book, which features a drawing of a skull.

Allen E. Jones, Death and the Afterlife in the Pages of Gregory of Tours: Religion and Society in Late Antique Gaul, Amsterdam University Press, 2020.

Cover of Dailey's book, which features a stone bust of Radegund.

E.T. Dailey, Radegund: The Trials and Triumphs of a Merovingian Queen, Oxford University Press, 2023.