

Hello! I am Sparr and this is my #longform #introduction. As of this writing, I'm 40 years old, cis male, and live near #Boston. My professional work centers on #devops #continuousintegration #deploymentautomation, at the moment specifically aimed at the #containerd project. My hobbies include #community building, #videogames, #boardgames, #event organizing, #maker pursuits including #carpentry and #welding, some #kinky activities, #softwaredevelopment, and #education.

I am #radicallyhonest, an aspiring #rationalist, an amateur supporter of #effectivealtruism, and prioritize #objectivity and #agency in my decision making.

My online discourse often focuses on #controversial topics such as #consent, #kink, #racism, #sexism, #politics, #communication, #honesty, etc.

There's more information about me in my #datingprofile and much more information in my #personalusermanual.

You can find other slices of my online presence on Mastodon, Reddit, Dreamwidth, Fetlife, Twitter, Substack, Flickr, StackExchange, Github, LinkedIn, OKCupid, Facebook, Instagram.

PS: A secondary purpose of this post is to demonstrate the ability to #boost across the #fediverse, so you've probably reached this from #Mastodon rather than directly through the #WriteFreely instance I authored it on.