

2022/7/11 #poetry Success is just the first step now you've got a lot of work that's all you can ever gain more work Make sure to pick some that'll be satisfying

2022/7/10 #poetry The patterns on the rocks and the patterns on the trees with their flowing, changing lines irregular to the point of beauty capture my attention tumble it about along their scattered routes makes me feel myself less scattered

2022/7/9 #poetry Incredible plenty food so abundant that we can't eat it all Even if it seems so easy to get I think I would prefer foraging in the forest Something about eating food directly from the plant makes it exquisitely better worth the joyous effort of harvesting it many times over

2022/7/8 #poetry Ready again another day you don't need to spend it any particular way get along the way you choose if you're not into it, refuse let the rhythm guide your feet take courageous leaps and stay on beat

2022/7/7 #poetry Other people in my life Supporting me when I need them But only when I ask Or do I just take too many little kindnesses for granted?

2022/7/6 #poetry Exclaiming with great glee about the stark mundanity the ants all sparkle in the sun knowing not a difference between work and fun the grass keeps growing even when we cut it down again and again all day bird sounds fill the air just to let others know they're there breathe it in and breathe it out this experience is what it's all about

2022/7/5 #poetry Throughout the large oak, whistles from the falcons. Not loud enough to be called screeches, even if the same sound.

2022/7/4 #poetry Moving day No time to play So many things in my life's way Why I have them I can not say I've got to give them all away

2022/7/2 #poetry For me, making pasta seems easy. But if I had to grow the wheat and harvest the wheat and process the wheat and mine the ore and smelt the metal and forge the pot and gather the stones and build the cookstove and gather the wood and get the water and light the fire and feed the fire to boil the water to cook the pasta I wouldn't think it was so easy.

2022/7/1 #poetry Seems like I made it. It wasn't so hard. I was tested but I passed with flying stars. I made good and I felt good, I've got real talent it seems. If I can keep it up I should achieve all my dreams. Open to the moment, adapting as I go. Incorporate the new but also stick to what I know.