view2022/7/21 #poetry
My job at the page is only to entertain myself. There isn't anyone else to take it in as I write. Perhaps later it might be read, maybe, but I might not even know it happened, and certainly don't know who it may be.
But what about this is entertaining?
It seems exquisitely familiar, as if I'm remembering something I read long ago rather than composing something new.
Much of the writing feels that way though, and I wonder why.
view2022/7/20 #poetry
I could find it any day
Don't know if it's close or far away
Haven't heard what the soothsayers say
Wouldn't believe them anyway
Maybe you can find yours too
Then you can tell me what to do
If you help me make my wish come true
I'll forever be in debt to you
view2022/7/19 #poetry
Bags don't just carry things, they hide them.
You might never know what is in someone's bag. There could be anything. They are similar to heads in that way.
There could be some overlap, the items in the bag are probably also indexed in the head, at least partially, and there could be something, such as a notebook, which holds more of what may be in the head.
view2022/7/18 #poetry
I don't actually know what the possibilities are. There are too many. Anyone could grasp a few, but how would they know if they will come true? You might not worry, just pick a path, it's not rolling dice you'll always have another chance and a half.
Habits matter, but big decisions, well, maybe, perhaps, it's so hard to tell.
view2022/7/17 #poetry
It's amazing how things, no matter how seemingly immutable, can change. I used to adore donuts. A shift in diet, years without them, a shift of the palate, those donuts aren't so appetizing.
The memory of enjoyment still has some charm, but it doesn't fuel desire.
It's good to know nothing's set in stone.
view2022/7/16 #poetry
Such a small sliver
of a sliver
of the whole
that we can grasp in our mind
that any one of us can know
little constructs of logical consistency
scaffolding to hold up our fragile bubbles of “reality”
but don't despair & throw out your story making skills
their social utility is enough to pay the bills
view2022/7/15 #poetry
Relatively quiet
very very quiet
yet I'm still bothered
by every little noise
If I can't control it
and I can't get away from it
I seethe
I feel pressure to act
to change my plight
bring silence back
view2022/7/14 #poetry
Looking forward to change
as I bear the burdens of the moment
doing more wishing then planning
more waiting then acting
feeling the days
view2022/7/13 #poetry
Here with the breeze
constant and cool
escape from the sun
in the shade of a tree
what else do I need
to remind me to stay still
to notice and listen
enjoy what is free
view2022/7/12 #poetry
Today, what seems a simple act to you, could make you a hero to someone that needs one. If you are lucky, and find that person, and spare the time, you can feel beneficial. The feeling from acceptance of gratitude.