

2022/6/19 #poetry 'Meaning' even without context, could have some, but 'meaning meaning meaning meaning meaning' has no meaning. Just syllables on the wind. Meaning seems so deeply required but that's only when there's an identity involved.

2022/6/18 #poetry When the fruit gets ripe you better be ready. It'd be a pity to let it go bad. There's only so much you can eat, as you know. Each stomach has its limit, even if it's ironclad. When it's not too much, fruit juicy, flavor rich, can fill you up & make you glad.

2022/6/17 #poetry Throughout the places I visit, in this great conurbation, collected & created objects are everywhere. Way too many to count. Too many to even notice all of them. Management of innumerable objects occupies the days of major portions of the population. All creatures live in a world of things, our things have just taken on such specific purposes that often they seem strange or unnecessary, that purpose being lost or not salient for a time.

2022/6/16 #poetry The churning fog of my possible future. Swirling about, buffeting my mind up, down, & all around. I should remember to remain steady, centered. I have the skill, I could use it & live without worry. Yet the fluctuating possibilities are so compelling, & the skill takes some effort to implement & is hardly ever top of mind. Hardly worth it, right?

2022/6/15 #poetry I assume that, when I fail to take action, I have made a mistake. I console myself with the reminder that it could have been a mistake had I acted. I may have saved myself a lot of trouble. As consolation, it rarely suffices.

2022/6/14 #poetry Away from the noise. Just not too far. Sometimes I want to make noise too, be a part of it. Not always; I don't want to live in it. I like quiet. To appreciate subtler sounds.

2022/6/13 #poetry Is the story true? The one you tell yourself every day? The one you're telling yourself now? As you run it through your mind, are you aware of the dichotomy between your present reality and the unfolding story? Is this constant commentary necessary? Is it really so hard to drop? How does the story about that go? Is it true?

2022/6/12 #poetry Maybe, with some more work, things won't be as tough. That is the promise after all, that hard work eventually pays off. Most people of course only ever have the promise of hard work. The harder the work, the lower the reward. Toward a goal, in the service of a good plan, consistent hard work can increase your probability of success. Then, so long as things line up, maybe.

2022/6/11 #poetry Give me peace All these needs The myriad distractions Torrents of endless desires disturb me so The balance between boredom and interest and needfulness is so difficult to stabilize comfort with discomfort is a skill but requires discomfort to build

2022/6/10 #poetry Send your dreams to the stars. Let them fly off to those farthest worlds. Not such a long journey for a dream, not even touching time. Self creative & self exploring. Giving to you whole other ways to exist. Taking only your tiredness.