

2022/6/9 #poetry The uncertain future makes for such discomfort. What could mollify this fear? If these unmet needs had some baseline guarantee? If the expectation was of fulfillment? If the current circumstance were acceptable? If I didn't care. Detachment.

2022/6/8 #poetry Enjoying the lake? I must be. A lack of generally positive feelings doesn't mean a lack of enjoyment. I notice the details that delight with subtlety. Wind moving the reeds, gliding birds, the wind, again, on the water. As well as the larger picture, delighting with its grandiosity. The imposing panoramic wall of trees above the water sparkling in the sun. Things would certainly be even harder if I wasn't enjoying the lake.

2022/6/7 #poetry Yes, I had dreams, visions when I closed my eyes, but I couldn't catch them. They all escaped from memory so I couldn't record them, or use them as inspiration. With some practice, surely, it would become easy. For now I'll just head back into the dreams.

2022/6/5 #poetry When you get the chance you shouldn't consider it a choice. You should only give yourself one option, to take it. You should be prepared to avail yourself of the opportunity. Don't trick yourself into thinking it will come up again.

2022/6/4 #poetry With everything I am Separation can't be Would be cessation of existence With everything The delight The pain Again everything is pertinent

2022/6/3 #poetry Both rest and activity seem awesome when they are in balance. But, as with most things, you can have too much of one & then only the other seems awesome. When that happens, it will seem more awesome than when they are in balance. It might even make up for the lack of awesome from overdoing it sometimes.

2022/6/2 #poetry Free fall nothing to stand on nothing to hold on to Drowning overcome by all of it Chaos lack of clarity

2022/5/31 #poetry It's just a clock. It doesn't own you. It's just measuring something. It may not even be accurate. Let yourself make of it what you will, but don't blame the clock for counting time.

2022/5/30 #poetry Plants is a term that encompasses such a wide variety of things. Too much certainly. You can't take it literally and must infer its meaning from context. Like a grunt. Water the plants means just some of the plants, not 'the weeds', probably not the trees, just certain ones that should be prevented from drying out. Don't step on the plants excludes the grass, tree roots, moss on the stepping stones. You just have to know.

2022/5/29 #poetry Over by the water the four senses remind you with each lapping wave that things are alright you can smell & feel the moist cool air the light plays off them into your eyes the sound pulls together all the other noise or washes it away