

2022/4/7 #poetry My room is too hot. Just ninety seconds inside and sweat drenches clothes. There's no escape, every corner is blasting with heat. The walls radiate it unrelentingly. Downstairs is cool, outside is hot but not unmanageably so, the shade is an escape. My room is fifteen degrees hotter than outside. It is nice when it's cold out. Now, though, it's not really fine at all. Too hot.

2022/4/4 #poetry When you are exhausted and all the world seems washed out a harsher, emptier place the little bumps are harder to take. What would be a problem you would solve is, here, a chronic annoyance you must bear. Any resilience that remains is turned inward the power to wait it out

2022/4/3 #poetry Explain but do not direct Show but do not correct Offer but do not give Allow others to live Find but do not take Use but do not break Follow but do not catch Close but do not latch

2022/4/2 #poetry Health in a bottle You can carry it with you Swallow some anytime you need But it doesn't work like that Health is all you do Not an external object Not an additive Nor a supplement You have it & you maintain it Or you've lost it & you build it By keeping things in balance By avoiding harm By choosing health everyday

2022/4/1 #poetry Helpful as I might become I will always need help too None of us exist apart Together is how we make it through Even when I'm on my own I use the skills that I've been taught Without the things that I was shown Succeed in life I just would not

2022/3/31 #poetry Deep into a fantasy world sometimes it's nice to fall when things are really hectic I often feel the call To lose myself in story to let some fiction eat my time but leaving my life to imagination seems like such a crime but when I am creating, the opposite is true my own fabricating is very worthwhile to do

2022/3/30 #poetry Under a glowing sky reflected light blocking out the stars my eyes look for what could be if we didn't cast our magic across the land linking wires to every place spilling our power into the night not too long ago when artificial lights were new the warmth and excitement delighted and comforted now, not too long since then darkness unadulterated is what inspires joy bringing a sense of peace a languid tranquility

2022/3/29 #poetry It isn't your fault. You don't have a clue. If you had the solution then that's what you'd do. While trying your best may not be enough with a little help it isn't as tough. You give it your all but if you really knew you'd see that you don't have a way to come through. The tragedy is watching people finish stuff. That you yourself don't is all kinds of rough. That time is an issue is very much true. Often it feels as sticky as glue.

2022/3/28 #poetry I used to be able to, but over time, I seem to have lost, what I considered mine. Without my agreement, awareness, or consent, it seems that all my energy was spent. I still think I can and then when I try, I find I may as well have attempted to fly. I'll have to accept it, and someday I will, but right now I'm not ready for that bitter pill. Recognition will come, I'll learn and I'll see, soon I will gain some humility.

2022/3/27 #poetry Once you get the basic understanding baked deep into your soul you don't need the accoutrements and gestures of the learning phase. Those are just focus aids and reminders. When you can no longer forget and the way there is too quick and easy for distraction to divert you then those things become unnecessary. They may even hold you back. They will if you aren't careful.