2022/2/25 #poetry As you walk through the fog you take it in it moves with you around you within you you carry it you heat it it changes you change You see differently in the fog you react to it you notice it you contemplate it you take the steps appropriate to the added care required The fog is so real so present so unavoidable so there and yet seems not there untouchable ephemeral for some reason likely linguistic and cultural
2022/2/24 #poetry Try the Autorhyme 5000 it has features to the max it is very user friendly and there is no sales tax I'm using it myself, right now! It's just the thing I need When I get stuck and don't know how to rhyme it helps indeed. Don't be caught without one embarrassment may ensue but with it when you're all done your audience will ooh. I bet that I've convinced you that you're running to the store but before you put the purchase through I will say Wait! There's more! Yes! It also shines your shoes, well no, but it gives them a buff you'll see it starts to ooze with such unnecessary stuff. Up top it warms your towels inside it cuts your hair but before you give me scowls its attributes don't stop there. Oh, it won't grant you three wishes, but what is almost just as good? It can do your dishes! I can see you've understood. It won't clean your countertops but it will clean the floor don't spend time pushing around mops it is such a boring chore There are over ten more things but I'll mention just one and with all the savings of effort it brings there'll be so much more time for fun It can do your shopping I bet that one you didn't predict combine that with the mopping and you've got this chore thing licked Now go on and get to rhyming it's easier than it looks with the Autorhyme 5000 soon you'll be filling books.
2022/2/22 #poetry The time'll come and you'll know what to do. You'll also know where to go, what to say, and to who. There may be a trick, but you'll know that too. It'll probably seem tough, but you'll make it through. I have complete confidence in you and you can rest assured that these words are true.
2022/2/17 #poetry Wander and wander until you are through. It's fun to explore with nothing to do. Weaving through pathways I have left uncharted. Somehow ending up right back where I started. Chatting and looking at so many things. Climbing a stairway to see what it brings. Urban hiking down paths and through parks. Hear the cutting of metal, see a shower of sparks. Avoid road construction and chipping of trees. Stop at each flower as if we are bees. Gawk at the houses, expensive and crude. Decide to head home when I am in the mood.
2022/2/16 #poetry Only the beginning of this sentence is of any importance, please disregard the rest. Take and make anything you care to. Just leave enough for extra to be everywhere. All at once is hard to read, that's not the way we process words. One bite at a time, the eye bite, for each part that we combine to make meaning and to rhyme. It can be longer than it seems, once you are in it it feels like no time, as you come out you see how long it has been. Each word leads into the next. Memory summarizes. You take what you know and fit parts of your summary in. Then summarize that, in the blink of an eye, when you want to recall or express all again.
2022/2/15 #poetry Hit the ball. It don't mind. Slam it hard. It can't cry. Smash it, whack it, whap it good, with implements of metal, plastic, or wood. It's just an object, made for bashing, it doesn't fear any sort of thrashing. As it's careening through the air it doesn't have a single care. The ball is fine no matter what, it doesn't feel any of it. Or does it? Nah.
2022/2/14 #poetry Take a walk. Don't go fast. Have no destination in mind. Go without knowing how long you'll be. Just head out and see where you wander. You're not going to arrive, you're already there. You won't know what until it happens. You aren't waiting for anything, nothing's waiting for you. Just mosey'n, enjoy'n. Noticin'. Toe, heel, or heel, toe. Again, remember, take it slow.