view2022/3/12 #poetry
We are lucky
Yes, it is a question
the purpose is unknown
is it worthwhile just to be happy
or do you need to grow
is the true design connection
or does understanding give all the rewards
Will pain bring you toward consideration
or is ease more beneficial for everything
Could the way things are be exactly what everyone needs for their own way there
making luck impossible
view2022/3/10 #poetry
I looked at some other peoples poetry. I don't know what to say. It isn't for me, would be the polite way.
Most are about things I have no comment on. Many are completely indecipherable. Some are way too long.
That's the way with everything, some are to my taste and others not. Of course with poetry I've found that the good ones aren't as easily caught.
It's grinding work, it takes time to make, poetry is hard, make no mistake.
Rhyming, too, is complicated, as dialect and pronunciation can often cause breakage.
Some authors are lazy or under time pressure, leaving in words that do not meet measure.
My biggest complaint, really by far, is when the meaning doesn't show.
Authors lay a trail of phrases referring to things that only they know.
I wouldn't mind if I could tell before I read a line
if I would have wanted to give those words my time.
view2022/3/9 #poetry
Heck, dang, drat, shucks, rats, nuts, shoot, gosh, blast, man!
Man oh man
oh man
oh man
Oh man, oh man, oh man, man, man
view2022/3/8 #poetry
Eat a simple lunch
Outside in a springy chair
Watch the squirrels play
view2022/3/6 #poetry
Since, to be honest, there's always too much to do if you always want to do everything at once; and, let's be honest, I always want to do everything at once. Only occasionally do I feel like I am. That, of course, never lasts long. Sometimes, when the haze of competing demands is so thick that not a single one is discernible, I find that one of them is happening anyway, although it feels like it's not, and I'm not sure what should really be happening but I'm mostly sure it shouldn't be this, and I'm not sure where it's going or what will happen next, but I do know something should be happening and that if it doesn't then things will be difficult, it is then that I wonder what it would be like to have only very very few things to know and do in a life and be able to comprehend it all.
view2022/3/5 #poetry
There may be a way out eventually. You won't know until you find it. One day, long after you do, you may look back and be shocked at how it feels almost like you totally forgot the distress you lived in for so much of your life. That it is now just a fading memory.
There are probably memories that you have now which would produce a similar effect.
Where you are matters, but where you will be matters too.
view2022/3/3 #poetry
Use the language the way you please. Don't let others hold your tongue. Write the way you like to write. It's up to you how it gets done.
Communication is a changing game. Symbolic representation of ideas is arbitrary anyway. If you don't like something you can make up your own rules. They could catch on, it's hard to say ;)
view2022/3/1 #poetry
I lived today. I went out to play. I went quite a way. I managed to stay.
Yep, I hung in there until right before the end. Just long enough to make some new friends.
It took the edge away from my pain. To be around people, true weirdos, again.
view2022/2/28 #poetry
Masterful and mesmerizing, what a show, what a show. I'm so very glad that I chose to go.
The costumes, the colors, the fluidity and grace. The fabulous sets in the enormous space.
Altogether quite sublime, a delightful way to spend my time.
When the lights went down the applause was a roar. Everybody wanted more.
They wouldn't get it, no, no, no. That was the end and the performers had to go.
view2022/2/27 #poetry
Twisting my arm won't budge me. No, I'll stay and bear the pain. I won't give up on my decision. I don't care if you act insane. Go ahead and break it. It won't reflect on me. I know that I can take it. As for you, well, we will see. I can of course recover. But your lot will be set in stone. If you push too far you can't turn back. And then you'll be on your own. Your power here is limited. If you want to get your way, you'll need another strategy. This current one won't pay.