

2022/9/21 #poetry On the other end of the spectrum we have busy I can't say I have a lot of experience with it but no matter how I parse it it seems to be a negative frame for what may sometimes be a neutral or positive thing but often it is as negative as it sounds not enough time for the important things the enjoyable things the worthwhile things I don't have much experience with it I can't say I understand but I hear that people use it to keep their minds away from the pain the disappointment the past that they don't want to deal with or sometimes just the emptiness all of which pay dividends once you get through them and that avoidance would explain why they don't set things up in a way to prevent being overloaded and to have that space to be If I ever am too busy so that I have to put off those things that I should do or want to do or also need to do I get out of sorts I don't let it last very long I make it so I am not so busy and get to spend time without that harsh wire thin margin of error

2022/9/20 #poetry On top of the hill with the lonely tree I like to sit and read It's nice in the shade with the gentle breeze and no one bothers me I don't like to think about the time I just get lost in the ideas the pages turn the day goes by the moon starts to climb into the sky

2022/9/19 #poetry Everywhere, take it with you everywhere that you go never should you be without it it's not something you can outgrow even when you are in motion traveling close or to lands afar all the while it's your companion more constant than your guiding star with it you are sure to prosper this is why it must be kept up to chance is life without it bring it along, no except

2022/9/18 #poetry Here in this room I have found just being able to simply exist without the need to deal with all those things I left in another place is no loss of anything I know from day to day and I could be anywhere with my simple needs met and I would enjoy

2022/9/17 #poetry Sometimes it hits you and you don't know why like it came out of nowhere or fell from the sky you might try to deal by closing just one eye but you've got to rest or you'll probably die you just want to find a place to lie to nap while maybe an hour ticks by trying to resist makes you want to cry so you give in with a great big sigh and drift off without need for a lullaby

2022/9/16 #poetry Every little effort to make their story shine those writers work their buns off to give sparkle to every line it really does show all that work they put in because you really can't stop watching once you begin each an every second worked down to a tee they each move the story forward scenes as short as they can be It really isn't magic just hard work and know-how and it helps that there's hardly anything their budget won't allow

2022/9/15 #poetry I didn't know what I was doing I had thought I'd had a plan Turns out it wasn't worth pursuing It'd be worse than when I'd began You could get along just fine with any path you tread as long as you stay on it you'll surely move ahead But if you switch too often you'll always start anew your final destination will be always out of view

2022/9/14 #poetry Without responsibility everything gets scattered to the wind what else can keep one connected to the earth? responsibility to oneself at the least will move some things along responsibility of one sort or another is the pivot that almost all our decisions revolve around and you take it anew every time you fulfill each step

2022/9/13 #poetry You put them over your ears and the sounds go away all the noise fades you get space for your mind to play They press against your head firm but not too much without the sense of hearing you're more sensitive to things like touch Every breath and every swallow can be heard as plain as day it's as if your head were hollow just as all your friends like to say Go on bellow out I'm impervious to your blast I can see you mouth articulating but the sound waves just move past It's not a perfect silence but it's the best that I can find without the cacophonous onslaught I feel much more kind

2022/9/12 #poetry Help is sweet could be the sweetest of all acts perhaps it is to broad and vague not to be in that you could call nearly any act done for another 'help' especially sweet ones