

2022/9/11 #poetry When you can get a good rhythm going as you trot down the stairs, it really can be quite enjoyable. I hope I don't miss that sort of pleasure too often from being focused on other things. It can be so easy to let the whole world go just a bit out of focus as you rush from this to that, thinking mostly about that and not enough about this. Focusing on focusing on the right things doesn't work out too well most of the time. The art is about learning to only focus when necessary and be loose when it isn't. Highly related to some of the best advice ever: Don't try too hard.

2022/9/10 #poetry How ironic it is that when I do work on something that I needed to do and I work really hard and see it all the way through spending practically the whole day too I get no satisfaction

2022/9/9 #poetry Me and this virus along with all the other tiny symbiotes and various taggers along are in it together we all got to get on whatever is making me sick is hard to differentiate from the rest of me I'm all this and more so what is the remedy? can it serve us as a group? as an individual? does being sick move your life in specific ways does it change your decisions? can we find our path better with this instability?

2022/9/8 #poetry What cries louder the belly or the skin do I want food or a shelter to be in Having both, as you know is the choice most would make but when you have to decide which one would you take Depends on the climate your health and the weather if the outdoors is pleasant a meal might be better If there's hail and snow and you recently ate you might be more likely to choose to hibernate If you find your decisions have this deep of consequence you won't need any advice you won't be on the fence

2022/9/7 #poetry Sometimes you have to dream of something totally new If what you've been doing isn't working anymore it might be good for you Expectations can get broken there's only so long you can hold on a big shift can be in order to find yourself a new dawn

2022/9/6 #poetry Orange sun dropping low how it makes the world seem warm a short and welcome time to engage with the world as a part of it

2022/9/5 #poetry Oh, how nice it would be to be organized to have everything in its place I would know where to get things when needed and have better use of my space If only it was as easy as keeping things put away if all the spots were preordained for where everything needed to stay It's really simple to keep a habit once it has been made but getting from one to another is harder than tough I'm afraid I'll follow a good example they're out there I do know I only need persistence and my skill will slowly grow

2022/9/4 #poetry 'What a perfect day he said' with his truncated grin 'we're alive and that's what counts' I wasn't buying in I hadn't had the best time during the week before some pleasantries from a stranger wouldn't warm my core I smiled and conceded there was only so much time before the light turned green and he would leave me far behind I appreciate his effort to share his jolly air often that is all someone needs to feel just a little care I'm not in such a snit that that will work on me I'd rather just be with it for an hour or two or three

2022/9/3 #poetry I want people to look at me Give me attention Give me money Watch my channel subscribe subscribe If you aren't doing that you shouldn't be alive Tell your friends make them watch me too make sure to like it's the right thing to do comment and quote because, you know people won't like you unless you reference my show Stay in touch! Just don't expect me to respond what I'm trying to establish is a one way bond

2022/9/2 #poetry I would like to help but you're just an idea a story of something far away I don't have the means to change it I'm not the writer of your play The written account of the struggle you face could be fiction and it might be true it may have happened long ago or it could still be a present issue if you are or aren't a character in a book bears not on what I may actually change all I have is this written account assistance is not within my power to arrange