

2022/8/1 #poetry Half in and all around You get to choose and you get to live with it Why the sun doesn't make you dance? For want of ease Undistracted and here Fully As you were when you hit the ground the impact so quick and then sliding seemingly forever noticing everything and minding nothing else Then the sun Or any other phenomenon is delight

2022/7/31 #poetry Your time, my friend, is at an end Release you final breath I will remain with you to tend your body after your death Don't worry that you've left much undone things will go on and with this change the world will shift and become one that you would find unrecognizable and strange There is no reason to hold on and no way to do so either a moment hence you will have gone perhaps to somewhere brighter Allow this to be as it is Your struggle will just cause you pain This is one appointment you can not miss and there's nothing more for you to gain

2022/7/29 #poetry Some days are so hard that it seems like you aren't awake They just wash over you Numbed from the overwhelm It takes no effort to go through the motions and all the effort at the same time

2022/7/28 #poetry only with a bit of practice can you master the skill of archery things that require precision or command of vast stores of knowledge take time true art, pure self expression, requires no skill it is always an exploration learning as you go for skilled artists the expression sits on top of the skill the skill makes the expression of ideas easier sometimes too many highly skilled creators stop expressing anything in favor of making palatable or interesting things for others things that may still be seen as art but were not made creatively but only the maker can ever know what went into the making appreciation is an end unto itself

2022/7/27 #poetry Once in a while I like to be intentionally messy when I eat. Get it all over my face & my hands. Go through the motions of completely relishing the food. Focusing only on the taste & sensation. Ignore social convention. Put aside cleanliness until later. Let the body have its way. Once in a while.

2022/7/26 #poetry Have you seen the heartbreak machine? It'll really break your heart, it's mean mean mean. Doesn't matter if you're old or still a teen it will efficiently demean make you feel quite obscene and all as if it's just routine it's more menacing than a guillotine that repugnant heartbreak machine

2022/7/25 #poetry Surprise! Things are different now, but don't worry, they'll be different again soon. Maybe not in such an unexpected way, but different as things always change. With effort you can encourage a particular change but things will just change again & it's hard to know what you want anyway. At least, if you don't like it, you can always look forward to more change.

2022/7/24 #poetry Other people have problems too, you know. Yours aren't nothing compared to some. Why, many would give everything they have to trade their problems for yours. Just trying to add a little perspective, not saying you have no reason to complain. But maybe it can lighten the load a little, let you see that you don't just have problems, that there are benefits too to be where you are.

2022/7/23 #poetry Each day if you can only take one conscious breath just take one let yourself feel that if nothing else is under control you can roll with that because you have accomplished your least your single respiratory cycle performed only for yourself

2022/7/22 #poetry What you want, you can get. Because it's simple it's a sure bet. Give it time and don't lose heart You're off to a fantastic start. It's totally fine if it takes a while As long as you're moving you have reason to smile