

2022/8/11 #poetry I look out my window and I take a breath I feel a breeze looking past the trees up come memories I wish I felt at ease had some expectations of good things and was healthy and healed so many days just let fly by thinking that things would stay fine now I look for a way back to living without drag get back on the track put it in the bag

2022/8/10 #poetry Ti to ot toto tie te tie te tu tou tetu ta ta te-e

Give a lick to your friend everyone wants a taste and there's only one some like it less than others almost none want more than a taste so one could be enough

2022/8/9 #poetry Today could be it. You never know. People could all start to get with it and agree. We could give up factionism just for the sake of having someone to fight against. We could argue in clear terms and with respect. We could agree on values and give suggestions on how to achieve them while acknowledging and incorporating others suggestions as we move toward finding a solution that will do the most good. We might allow differences in opinion to exist but not allow them to force division or prevent positive progress in unrelated areas. We could have fun and listen to each other. Or maybe it won't happen today. Not all at once. Maybe it just begins. Maybe it could start slow, as a new set of values. A system for training in acceptance. An idea that starts a movement.

2022/8/8 #poetry Even if everyone did know and they just didn't say life would be much the same throughout every day If the secret wasn't secret just unspoken and assumed those still growing would still struggle as inner awareness bloomed If the inexplicable wasn't so hard to define we could all catch a break as we opened our mind As life spins around us and we reach out to touch for all the effort to grasp we won't get much Just keep things simple and let things flow as with other living beings we can't be forced to grow

2022/8/7 #poetry It's not that far to go but it always seems like it takes forever I couldn't fathom why it's not an unpleasant trip nor an unpleasant destination maybe it's the fact that I only go there to satisfy the social expectation and never for myself and while everything is pleasant there is nothing for me there and no excuses I can make as yet not to go

2022/8/6 #poetry We live with the feeling of what could be and it pushes us around If you can drop it you'll be much more free You will appreciate what you found You can even stay calm as a tree when life knocks you down There's nothing for you in fantasy You should keep your feet on the ground

2022/8/5 #poetry Have a big idea since the small ones just slip through the cracks Run around in circles, make them big and start calling them tracks Get a bunch of magazines don't read them just leave them in stacks Remind yourself of all that you have, do not focus on all of your lacks Become a chiropractic doctor so you can fix people's backs Always update your software so you can avoid random hacks Organize your colored pencils and keep them in packs

2022/8/4 #poetry I want to relearn how to type in qwerty. For some reason I think it will be fun. I guess I don't know what I'm getting into I might give up before the day is done.

It isn't quite as bad as I imagined. I thought it would be really really tough but I already feel like half of it is back now. It's true! It's fun! I haven't had enough.

But yes my hand has also started cramping. It's certainly not worth it to have pain. I think that I will have to take a break now but I hope that I will pick it up again.

2022/8/3 #poetry When you need to sigh it can feel so good so many of the things our bodies do give us pleasure most of them are subtle pleasures which don't get credit since we fail to notice anything that doesn't scream above the desensitizing noise of the oversaturated, addict making, everywhere-you-turn marketing extravaganza that is our current food and entertainment industries it is a raw deal since if we were not so washed out and overexposed by all that highly stimulating product we would live inside a pleasure machine assuming ourselves to be healthy, of course most animals seem to get to live this way taking the actions that most please them in each moment our lives are more complex at least in terms of social systems and variety of activities this complexity gives us many benefits but I'm always trying to gain back what it has taken away

2022/8/2 #poetry I don't know if I should be direct with you I don't want to insult you and I won't be dishonest so I'm sort of stuck because you asked and well you suck you made a mess of this situation you caused a plethora of problems and a heap of frustration there's really no other word for it you are a big fat hypocrite but furthermore I fear that you know you are and you just don't care even when you are aware that to others you aren't being fair It's seriously a bummer and I don't know who's acting dumber us for listening to you or you for giving us the screw