view2022/4/28 #poetry
I don't know how other people perceive me
I'm not them after all.
Sometimes I'm told but
that's hardly a glimpse into their minds.
I interpret their direct or indirect statements how I will, with the limitations imposed by the language and my mind.
If we could really tell, and really change ourselves to suit each other, instead of stumbling around on this blind trip through the social landscape, things would not be so surprising, but many of those unexpected or rare connections would lose their magic.
view2022/4/27 #poetry
Everyone on the subway, minding their own business, avoiding eye contact, wishing they were already at their destination. Perhaps if they connected with other lonesome travelers the time aboard would pass more swiftly, more enjoyably, commuting might become a treat.
view2022/4/26 #poetry
Unblemished nature. Tranquil scene.
Green plant, wet with dew, over a pool filled by a spring. Filtered light, form a canopy high above, glints off dew drops, off the pool, and almost off the air itself.
Frogs move along leaves. Birds come to drink.
If you were there they'd all hide away.
view2022/4/25 #poetry
Testing to see if the mud is firm enough to walk on. It squishes out from under my shoe in such a satisfying way.
Too soft and too much fun.
The consequences and past threats of consequences for engaging with the mud flit through my mind. Do they apply now? Might I bear them even so?
view2022/4/24 #poetry
Oh, I could get there faster,
rolling over the surface literally made for wheels,
but the point is to walk.
Bilateral stimulation; step, step, step, step; balancing action.
Grounding activity.
I could get there faster, but the point is to be out for a while.
The sun and the air enrich me.
New leaves on the trees are so bright.
It works, I'm brought back to the moment.
view2022/4/23 #poetry
Seems like I have forever. At least, in the morning it feels that way. By lunch I might marvel that the time flew by, but I don't yet feel any pressure. Late afternoon is when I start to contemplate if I should get started on one or another of those important tasks, but then, before I know it, it's time for dinner. Now I know, without a doubt, once dinner is through, that nothing will get done if I don't start immediately. Soon enough I find out, I was absolutely right.
view2022/4/21 #poetry
I might be missing a whole whole lot.
Old memories fade & disappear.
Mundane, repeated tasks aren't even stored discreetly.
Large chunks of my life are left to the past, not to be recalled.
The me I am now is complete without them.
Relieved of a whole whole lot.
view2022/4/20 #poetry
Find yourself somewhere new
Have no map
Just explore
Every turn something interesting
The experience of novelty at its core
view2022/4/19 #poetry
Reaching for what you want can result in you getting it. Disappointment, maybe, but which one should you focus on, really?
Thinking about who you are can result in you changing. It can result in you entrenching too, but it's up to you if that happens.
Doing what seems right can result in mistakes sometimes, but that's OK.
Taking time for what matters can result in fulfillment. Boredom you say? Perhaps boredom & fulfillment go hand in hand.
view2022/4/18 #poetry
Heavy belly full of food, puts me in a relaxed mood. Just sit and let the clock tick by. I won't get up or even try. Digestion is its own reward, while I'm like this I won't get bored. I may not move but I'm totally fine. There's really nothing on my mind. I won't contemplate another meal, I'm just enjoying how I feel.