view2022/9/1 #poetry
I wouldn't worry about it
It's not that big a deal
It can never be worth all of the
concern and distress that you feel
Why spend time now to fret
even if the worst does come to pass
it hasn't happened yet
so you should probably just relax
view2022/8/31 #poetry
I went over to see my pop
in the city with the towers
with the spires on top
everyone was busy as a bee
even my pop
had no time for me
they say
that's just
the way things are
but if I could make time
to travel so far
certainly anyone else
can too
it is really just a
matter of what
matters to you
view2022/8/30 #poetry
on the top of the hill is the best little cave
you can sit and just watch as the clouds tumble and turn
the stars at night are the brightest you've seen
the wind doesn't touch you nor the sounds from the town
not often bright enough to read or do much of anything
just sitting
it's the best
view2022/8/29 #poetry
Working into the wood
reforming the shape of the surface
removing fragments
little by little
to make nothing known
new abstractions
for the sake of their feel
for tactile experiences
to remember our bodies
without anything for the mind to chew
view2022/8/28 #poetry
all the scrapes scab over
all the scabs peel away
the only thing left is the memory
of when things didn't go our way
loss of opportunity
while waiting for injuries to heal
'at least we're still alive' we say
while trying to ignore the sadness we feel
while it's true we should not forget
that good things happen too
pushing away the negative
isn't so healthy to do
while the wounds are fresh
and we still wait for the blood to congeal
let us scream as loud as we like
it is better to keep things real
view2022/8/27 #poetry
There are more reasons then you know
our limited scope has more than we can handle already
We take what is presented and make our way through
until our ends and even on
as what our actions made remains effectual
everything impacts vastly
view2022/8/26 #poetry
I wonder as I'm sitting here
if I can consider today good
Did I accomplish what I wanted to
Have I done everything I should
Is tomorrow well prepared for
Is my work completely through
Is rest the only thing
that I have left to do
view2022/8/25 #poetry
Ladders let you access what is otherwise out of reach
That could be a loft or a way to high up peach
We use them as a metaphor because of the simple parallel
between reaching higher places and whatever we're attempting to tell
A ladder is like a bridge from the ground up to the sky
just as a metaphor is a bridge
from what you know
to what know I
view2022/8/24 #poetry
It may be 'just money' to you
but for me
it's my work
my effort
my toil
you see?
I spend all that time
hour after hour
they don't pay me much
I have not leverage nor power
In your mind a trifle
in mine a paycheck whole
Perhaps now you appreciate
why I practice self control
view2022/8/23 #poetry
Like a bright beam racing across the cosmos
my mind moves too fast even to be a blur
there are no breaks on this machine
I'll go where it takes me
If you want a wild ride, just ask:
'What'cha thinkin'?'