

2022/8/22 #poetry She said it was in every toaster but that isn't strictly true very few contain asbestos I am safe and so are you If you want to be doubly certain you can look it up online I was grateful and relieved to read it wasn't contained in mine

2022/8/21 #poetry On the floor I lie Let the day go with a sigh Wait for sleep to come

2022/8/20 #poetry Well, it worked. Pretty predictable really, but still very satisfying. I'd been working at it for a while and it was hard to get and I'll have to work to get it again. Well worth the work this time, as it will be later. Just keep at it, as they say. With time, returns unfurl.

2022/8/19 #poetry Direct asking is so much better If you can get what you want you get it If you can't you find out If you are being a jerk for asking you find that out too It saves time It reduces complexity You don't have to wonder if you played the game incorrectly

2022/8/18 #poetry This time I would have felt that things will work out I thought that everything was just barely coming together All at the last second But I feel lost I can't see anything for certain I'm not sure until things do that anything will come together at all The plans aren't working I'm not making it up as I go along I'm just waiting and attempting over and over to get the plans back in place I will work to make Everything more simple To reduce until Flexibility is as easy as a smile

2022/8/17 #poetry Why do I read the TOS we are required to agree but they are such a mess most people just take a guess that they're OK with every term but I think that's not the best saying I read it when I hadn't would weigh heavy on my chest sometimes I take my time to read and people think I'm just a pest they think my principals are stupid and I should just give it a rest but when it comes to contracts I feel I should never jest I never want to have to put assumptions to the test

2022/8/16 #poetry I didn't make the flower. The plant grew the flower. I didn't make the plant. The plant grew itself. I did supply the plant with water and access to light but, you know, you could say it would have had those things if I hadn't separated it from them in the first place. You could say that I didn't make the light or pipe the water from its source. You could say that all I really did was exist in the space with it while it did its thing. I do feel something though. That I contributed. That the flower was a success for both of us. Is that a joke? I could see how if the particular plant was difficult to cultivate or unsuited to the local environment then there would be some challenges to overcome and that the flowering could be seen as some success on the part of the cultivator, but I'm not in that situation. What was my success really? If I just sit in a place and appreciate the things around me and appreciate my own presence would that be success? Have I overcome some challenge then? I know that if I've taken on that particular challenge during a 'spiritual journey', likely related to some eastern philosophy, I could easily have created the context for simple sitting and appreciating being a success. Maybe that's the point of those 'journeys'. If you can feel accomplished by just sitting there you're likely to be pretty satisfied most of the time.

2022/8/14 #poetry Over it. Over being stressed. Done resisting. No more reason to struggle. Given up what was being fought for. If it doesn't matter I don't have to do anything about it. Need eliminated.

2022/8/13 #poetry I had thought I'd run out of time, but you never know what's around the corner. Tomorrow can always bring new surprises. Of course, I don't like to live by the seat of my pants, banking on hope. If I do find myself doing so I hope it helps me to appreciate the benefits of planning and implementation more.

2022/8/12 #poetry There is no better person to be in the whole wide world than me I'm the only one that is real the only one that I feel each and every other body around may have stories that really astound but no story ever has the depth of experience, current or kept