
Fiction, sci-fi, stories, hobby game dev

Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled atop a hill, lived a kind-hearted woman named Sanya. She was known far and wide for her ability to mend broken hearts with her enchanting melodies on the harp she carried everywhere she went.

An unexpected future waited for her...

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My memories are somewhat hazy, it was long ago when all this occurred. I have lived much longer than any human. I think I recall walking on a path towards the east, where the sun rises. It must have been getting late as I was famished, so I searched for something to eat.

That is when I discovered a bush with juicy red berries. As I attempted to pick some, I failed to notice the thorns covering its branches. They pierced my hand and caused it to bleed, painting my brown skin red. The wound was deep and painful, but within moments, it closed up, leaving only blood as evidence of my injury. I was astonished and perplexed, questioning if I am not human or perhaps a demon, or possessed by one.

Despite having no answers or ability to change anything, I sought shelter for the night. After searching for some time, I found a cave that wasn't very large but spacious enough for me to spend the evening in. Sleep came quickly, though it was not peaceful. In my dreams, I stood at the edge of a cliff, crying and praying to Jerah, who is a moon god and protector of my settlement. Each time the dream ended with me falling off the cliff, regretting my life as a thief and pleading for another chance.

I eventually woke up drenched in sweat due to the screams of a little girl calling out for help.

#fantasy #fiction #writing

The Megaverse appears to be the youngest known universe, with its formation marked by the birth of the Numeric-witch as its first deity. This has led to a higher concentration of robotic and technologically advanced beings within this realm, including the Emetallaxians – a shape-shifting robot race. Despite this, there is also an abundance of carbon and silicon based lifeforms in the Megaverse. Organic life quickly progressed technologically within this universe.

Similar to other universes, the Megaverse was impacted by the betrayal of one of its earliest gods from the Primordial Universe. This event initiated the war of machines that spanned several millennia.

As documented in the Book of Knowledge of the Cosmos

#Sci Fi #Sci-Fi #fiction #writing #fantasy

Once upon a time, there lived a young and adventurous boy named Tom who loved exploring the world around him. He resided by the seaside with his family, often marveling at the vast ocean that stretched before them. One day, as he played near the shoreline, a powerful storm hit, causing a massive wave to pull him out into the sea.

Tom's parents and siblings were heartbroken when they saw their beloved son disappear beneath the angry waves. They searched for days on end, but the unforgiving weather made it impossible for them to find any trace of Tom. Eventually, they had no choice but to return home, heavy with grief in their hearts.

Tom found himself clinging onto a log, adrift in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight. He drifted there for hours until a large boat appeared on the horizon. The boat came closer and closer until it reached him. A man aboard saw the boy and lowered a rope into the sea. Then he jumped into the water himself to swim towards the boy.

The boy was cold and shivering, but the man pulled him toward his boat, and then climbed up using the rope. With the boy on his back. Once on board, Tom was wrapped in a warm blanket. The young adventurer had been saved from the sea.

#fiction #writing #fantasy

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You control a Leo, a humanoid cat that can walk on two legs. Control Leo with The Left/Right arrow keys for walking Left and Right . With the Up arrow key or the Space Bar, Leo can jump.

While in mid-air pressing a jump key will make Leo will perform a double jump. By pressing the Control Key Leo performs a cartwheel attack.

Enemies can be killed either by jumping on them or with a cartwheel attack. But some Enemies cannot only be killed by a cartwheel attack or cannot be killed at all. After every three levels, there is a boss fight with an enemy that requires multiple attacks to be killed. After every boss battle and at the beginning of the game a map is shown of Leo's progress.

Collecting 100 milk bottles gives Leo an extra life.

Touch controls are supported but not recommended.

Gamepad Controls:

Left and Right Dpad or the “Left” analog Joystick to Move

Dpad Up or the “Left” analog Joystick UP to Jump

Any of 4 Face Buttons for Cartwheel Attack



In a distant world there lived a race of humanoid cats called Cattis. They lived peacefully under the leadership of Leo a strong and wise Cattis. Until one day the mutant rodents attacked. They kidnapped many Cattis and stole their food and milk supplies. Now it is up to Leo to rescue them and take back their food.


#gamedev #indiegamedev #hobygamedev #platformer

Part 1

The darkness seemed eternal, but somehow I was conscious. I felt cold and empty, as if nothing existed around me. After what felt like an endless amount of time, I saw light. My eyes opened, revealing that I lay at the bottom of a cliff. Though my body was covered in blood, I didn't feel any pain or discomfort.

I managed to stand up and examined myself. The blood on me indicated that I had been bleeding, but there were no visible wounds. It was clear that I was alive, but I couldn't understand how this happened since I remembered falling from the cliff and experiencing darkness.

Everything felt strange. I didn't know what to do or where to go next. My secret as a thief had been exposed, and I wasn't sure how they would react if they saw me alive. Maybe they would think of me as some kind of demon, maybe that was who I truly was – I couldn't tell either way. Back then I did know yet what I was.

I had no idea why I was still alive when I should have perished in the fall. So, with uncertainty in heart, I decided to do what seemed like my only option: migrate to a new area far away from the settlement where I lived. And so I did.

#fantasy #fiction #writing

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

When Anna finally escaped the scrapyard, she began running as fast as her legs could carry her. She knew that if she didn't hurry, they would capture her again. Without thinking too much about it, she decided to leave the city and get away from her pursuers. She hoped that the mechanics in her legs would not break down because of her running speed. She pushed on ignoring the flying cars whizzing past her.

After what felt like an eternity, the towering city skyscrapers were behind her, and she found herself outside of the city limits. The beauty of nature around her was something she hadn't experienced in a very long time. Anna slowed down to take it all in, but soon realized that a flying car had stopped right in front of her.

Terrified that they had found her again, she prepared for the worst. However, out stepped a family who were just as confused about why a maid bot was running alone outside the city borders. Anna knew she couldn't outrun them, so she decided to share her story with them in hopes of finding some pity and maybe even being allowed to go free.

As she finished recounting her tale, the two children from the family hugged her, asking if they could keep her as their maid bot. Their parents had always wanted a robot like Anna but couldn't afford one. After considering this proposal, the parent decided that adopting Anna into their family would be the best solution for everyone involved.

Anna agreed with joy, knowing she would finally have a loving family again. The family managed to buy some upgrades for her, and now she was officially part of their family.

The end

#Sci Fi #Sci-Fi #fiction #writing

In the final age of enlightenment, in primordial universe, humans began to comprehend the divine more profoundly. After studying numerous religions from various species, they reached a consensus that there exists one supreme entity above all others. This being is responsible for painting the cosmos on an infinite canvas and transcends time itself, serving as the first mover.

Within this vast cosmos, six enigmatic creatures were born, whose true nature remains elusive. Humans can barely perceive them through meditation, but they are believed to be guardians of the energies that make up the cosmos. These energies include:

  1. Plasma energy,
  2. Liquid energy,
  3. Gas energy,
  4. Solid energy,
  5. Light energy,
  6. Dark energy.

Everything in the cosmos is composed of one or more of these energies. The first entities to emerge within the universe were time and eternity. It remains uncertain whether they originated in the cosmos or pre-existed, but their presence can be felt strongly through meditation and the passage of time.

Lastly, the fifteen beings, the primordial gods who came into existence within the universe, are responsible for both good and evil.

As recorded in the Book of Knowledge of the Cosmos

#Sci Fi #Sci-Fi #fiction #writing #fantasy

Once upon a time in the small village of Sixwood, there was an old, mysterious mansion on the outskirts of town. No one dared to venture near the place after dark, for they believed that ghosts would come forth and play tricks upon them. Ella, a curious person since childhood, loved exploring the Sixwood forest near the village and discovering various ruins in the woods. Now that she turned 19, she decided to unlock the secrets of the mansion.

As she approached the foreboding manor, rain began to pour down hard, making it difficult for her to see through the torrential downpour. The wind howled around her, sending shivers down her spine as she stepped closer to the mansion's imposing entrance. Ella hesitated for a moment before finally mustering up all her courage and pushing open the creaky wooden door.

Inside, the house was dimly lit by flickering candles that seemed to dance in the darkness. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, as if the very walls were holding their breath. Ella cautiously made her way through the shadowy halls, listening intently for any sign of life or movement.

She reached a large room filled with dust-covered furniture and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling like ghostly tendrils. On one of the walls, a painting was hanging. The painting depicted an open door and behind it, a staircase leading down into the darkness. Ella examined the painting and found a button in the upper left corner. She pressed it, and it opened a door in the wall next to her.

When she looked, she saw stairways going down into the darkness, as the painting depicted. Bravely, Ella went down the stairs and disappeared into the unknown.

#fiction #writing #fantasy