Great resources about porn, sex, feminism, relationship
Here are some articles, images I have organized.
You can usually find great things going from here too. For example robertwjensen has a lot of good articles on his website. The top posts of r/antipornography, r/pornismisogyny, etc would be good too.
Porn Research
Its okay parents you can freak about porn
The Porn Paradox | Megan Johnson | TEDxGreenville
Pornography: Doing the Worst to Women, Bringing out the Worst in Men
What Do Men Tell Us about Pornography? What Does Pornography Tell Us about Men?
Need more research – Not sure about this one
Not watching porn because you can't get it up anymore doesn't make you less of a misogynist
Male feminists – Need to be better
Why porn feels like cheating to me
Porn Makes Men Terrible in Bed
Things not do in a relationship – Negging
Checklist: Does he love you? Love has emotional and behavioral components – it’s not just a feeling
Some things that we may do without realizing how it affects others
Expecting praise for simple things
Male Stoicism is backed up by an incredible amount of emotional labor from women
Sex Work
A Socialist, Feminist, and Transgender Analysis of “Sex Work”
The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism](
How To Stop Sexualizing Everything
Four things emotionally mature people won't do