Porn is porn for an addict
Differences may not matter
Mainstream video porn and erotica may be vastly different. But in truth for a porn addict they are very similar. They satisfy a need/craving. So once the dopamine from the activity gets less you start seeking more novel, etc. So eventually it leads to mainstream video porn.
So, don't be like me. I have always used this justification that not every one of my PMO is due to video porn. Then not everything is due to real people. Etc. These things can make you feel nice. Maybe if you don't have porn addiction or very new to porn addiction it could even work.
But personally for me it is not working. I need to completely stop all kinds of porn.
I know that deep down. I still feel like porn is amazing. I need to change this feeling. Or use that to real life or make it useful to me somehow.
I once wanted to create content that is against porn. But now it is mostly my journey as a porn addict. Fuck. Anyways. Life is life. I will one day not be a hypocrite who watches porn and is against it.