Where did I learn a lot about it?
I think I saw in an askreddit question where many people told the horrors of sex industry, etc. It linked to an AMA made by a pornstar or something. Then one by one. I just
Only then I knew about these things.
So naturally, as a curious person, I started learning more.
I watched some TED talks.
Then YouTube videos. Askbelly or something.
Then when I was reading something in reddit. People said there were female incels. I was very curious since I remember how I could have become an incel myself due to reading too much alpha male, etc stuff. It was during 2014 I think.
I learned a lot from “female incels” of reddit. r/FemaleDatingStrategy.
I was curious. I mean, how is it going to be? Is it like lamer version of niceguys TM like nicegirls TM?
But the commenters were like it is worse than your average incel.
So, I went there.
And to be quite honest I really still dislike their ask the man to pay for everything in a date mindset.
Anyway, other that the recommended reading was quite good.
It has a lot of expectations. Honestly, after reading it I just stopped thinking about dating, etc at all. You should not spend a lot of time there if you are a man.
But the good thing about it was that both women and men were expected a lot more.
I didn’t know many things I do were not good. Some things even misogynistic.
So, If you have time, just try to read the recommended section, etc. Also maybe the flair for Message for men.
Have an open mind. You don’t really need to agree with anything.
The bad thing that happened was that. I thought I was amazing, egalitarian, etc. But I just realized how bad I was. It made me feel hopeless. It doesn't mean you too will. You can see it as a challenge too.
I just realized that I have a lot more to grow. Just automatically assuming I am feminist because I don't discriminate explicitly doesn't mean I become one.
I didn’t realize that I had already learned a few PUA(Pick Up Artist) tactics as good dating advice either.
FDS is not good for me
It is not good for me personally. I remember once I used to excessively read r/niceguys to feel better about myself. Now I am doing the same thing with FDS too. Reading the worst stories about men and feeling better because I am better than that is pathetic. Sometimes I even do that shit with r/twoxchromosomes. At least it is very rare there for some reason. So it is good for me if done monthly or something.
Also for me to grow I need encouragement. Basically hearing all the things I have improved, learned or done is just the bare minimum is not very good encouragement for me.
For all this talk, I do know I should more time in the real life and not on the internet.