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The Top Data Analytics Trends That Will Dominate 2025

In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics, 2025 promises a series of transformative trends that will reshape how organizations collect, process, and leverage data. As industries worldwide continue to harness data-driven insights, the role of data analytics is growing, leading to more demand for specialized skills and tools. The shifts we anticipate in 2025 will not only require advanced technology but also rigorous data analyst training courses that prepare professionals to meet the challenges of this dynamic field. Here, we explore the most impactful data analytics trends that are poised to shape the future.

Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics Go Mainstream Predictive analytics has been a staple in forward-thinking organizations, but by 2025, it will likely become a default across industries. Businesses are looking beyond mere descriptive analytics, which explains historical data, to focus on predictive and prescriptive analytics, which forecast future trends and recommend actionable strategies. These advanced analytics approaches are transforming decision-making, allowing companies to make data-backed predictions with greater accuracy.

However, applying these models effectively requires a solid understanding of statistical methods, machine learning, and domain-specific insights. This shift highlights the importance of comprehensive data analytics training courses, which equip professionals with the skills to deploy predictive and prescriptive models accurately. As the demand for these approaches rises, so does the need for professionals who can translate these complex insights into tangible outcomes, underscoring the essential role of specialized training.

AI and Machine Learning-Driven Analytics Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) continue to redefine the capabilities of data analytics. By 2025, AI-driven analytics will become even more sophisticated, allowing businesses to automate data processing, analysis, and even decision-making. The adoption of AI and ML will enable organizations to not only handle vast datasets but also to identify hidden patterns and correlations that are difficult to detect through traditional methods.

For data analysts, staying updated with AI and ML applications in data analytics is critical. A data analytics course in coimbatore that includes AI fundamentals and machine learning modules can prepare analysts to work with these cutting-edge technologies, making them invaluable to organizations seeking to adopt these powerful tools. Additionally, with AI's capacity for continuous learning, analysts will need to adapt to evolving algorithms, further emphasizing the value of comprehensive training in data analytics.

Real-Time Data Processing and Analytics The demand for real-time insights is expected to surge as businesses require immediate access to data-driven insights to stay competitive. By 2025, real-time data processing will become integral across various sectors, enabling rapid decision-making based on current data rather than outdated reports. This shift will require a deep understanding of streaming data analytics, a growing area within data analytics training courses.

Real-time analytics will allow businesses to react instantaneously to market changes, customer preferences, and operational challenges. This approach calls for systems capable of ingesting, processing, and analyzing data in real time, which places new demands on data analysts. By undertaking a data analytics course in ahmedabad that covers real-time data processing, professionals can ensure they are prepared to deliver on the fast-paced needs of modern organizations.

Data Democratization and Self-Service Analytics In 2025, data democratization will continue to gain traction, aiming to make data more accessible across all organizational levels. The concept of self-service analytics allows employees without a data analytics background to access and interpret data autonomously, enabling faster insights and promoting data-driven decision-making throughout the organization. This trend requires data analysts to facilitate user-friendly analytics solutions and support broader data literacy efforts within their companies.

Data analysts who have completed a comprehensive data analytics course in mumbai will be well-equipped to meet this challenge, as they possess the technical and communication skills needed to bridge the gap between data science and business. Training will be essential for analysts tasked with designing and implementing these user-friendly systems, allowing non-technical users to safely access and interpret data without compromising data integrity or security.

Ethical and Responsible Data Analytics With increased data utilization comes heightened scrutiny on data privacy, ethics, and compliance. In 2025, ethical data analytics will be a core focus, especially as regulations around data privacy become stricter worldwide. Analysts will need to balance extracting insights with upholding ethical standards, ensuring data collection and usage respects individuals' privacy rights.

A robust data analytics course in hyderabad will provide professionals with guidance on navigating these ethical considerations, helping them stay compliant with emerging regulations and build trust with stakeholders. This trend underscores the necessity for data analysts to understand both the technical aspects of data analytics and the ethical dimensions that accompany them, a balance that can be achieved through targeted training in data ethics and privacy.

The Growing Importance of Data Visualization and Storytelling By 2025, data visualization and storytelling will play an even more significant role in helping organizations interpret complex data. As data becomes more abundant, presenting it in an easily digestible format becomes critical to facilitating understanding across all organizational levels. Data analysts who can transform raw data into visual insights that tell a compelling story will be highly valued, as they bridge the gap between data complexity and business clarity.

data analytics course in chennai are increasingly incorporating visualization tools and storytelling techniques, equipping analysts with the skills to create impactful, actionable insights. Visualization and storytelling are key to driving data-driven culture within an organization, empowering teams to make informed decisions with clarity and confidence.

Enhanced Focus on Data Quality and Governance As organizations collect more data, the emphasis on data quality and governance will intensify by 2025. Poor data quality can lead to misguided decisions and erode stakeholder trust, making data governance a top priority. Ensuring that data is accurate, consistent, and accessible will be crucial for sustaining effective analytics programs.

Data governance frameworks and quality assurance methods are often included in advanced data analytics course in pune, preparing analysts to manage, clean, and validate data effectively. As data complexity grows, trained analysts will be vital in maintaining the integrity and usability of data, ensuring that analytics remain reliable and actionable.

The trends shaping data analytics in 2025 illustrate the rapidly advancing capabilities and responsibilities of data professionals. As the industry evolves, the skills required to excel will also become more specialized, with growing demands for expertise in areas like AI, real-time data processing, ethical analytics, and data visualization. For data analysts to keep pace with these shifts, enrolling in a comprehensive data analytics course in bangalore will be essential.

The anticipated trends in data analytics underscore a fundamental truth: the future belongs to those who can transform data into actionable insights, responsibly and ethically. With the right training and skills, data professionals will be well-prepared to meet the needs of organizations navigating an increasingly data-driven world. As we move toward 2025, the commitment to continuous learning and upskilling will be crucial for data analysts looking to make a lasting impact in their field.


from 杂文

据一个很难核实的统计数据,中共在历次政治运动中迫害致死的人和三年饥荒饿死的人数加起来,超过7000万,超过了世界各国二战中死亡的人数总和。 如果中共不是杀害了他们而是把这些人驱逐出境,如果这些不见容于红色政权的人能活下来,哪怕被放逐到某个荒岛,有机会自力更生,建起“异类之国”, 他们能建设出一个现代国家,能走向文明吗? 我想,台湾的今天就是答案。 香港曾经的繁荣,在影响力辐射整个东南亚的香港文艺圈中曾熠熠生辉的那些名字,例如黄霑、倪匡、金庸,就是答案。 为什么? 因为这些“异类”,这些被伤害链系统视为“不稳定因素”,看成需要消灭的敌人的人,正是一个社会中最有创造力,最有能力促成社会经济、文化走向繁荣的人口。 伤害链系统因消灭他们而稳定,但由伤害链政权统治的社会也正因消灭了这类人,对知识分子、商人、地主等人展开了残酷打压,使其肉体被消灭、精神被压制、政治上死亡,而丧失了正常社会应有的财富创造能力。 你知道光是“镇反”就杀了多少人么? 根据中国公安部党组1958年9月向中共中央的报告,“自开国以来到1958年5月,全国共逮捕了反革命和其他犯罪分子611万8千246名,杀了其中罪大恶极的86万2千236名,管制了194万2千125名,基本上完成了肃清了反革命残余势力的历史任务。” 你知道经济高度发达的欧洲国家冰岛有多少人口么? 39万3600人。 一场“镇反”,光是杀,就杀绝了两个冰岛。 根据中共十一届三中全会后复查统计,在1957年的“反右运动”和1958年的“反右补课”中,全国共“改正”右派55万2877人,不予“改正”的96人,错划率为99.998%。有数据显示,大约只有10万多人活到了被“改正”的时候。 仅仅“反右”,就又令足以填满一整个冰岛的知识分子蒙冤至死。 这些人没能活到改开时代。 但如果他们能活在一个象今日之台湾、今日之冰岛的制度环境里,如果他们只是被驱逐了而不是被禁锢在叫天天不应喊地地不灵的绝境中,他们会为自己创造出怎样的生活,又能为这个世界留下些什么呢? 在墙内的清醒者们,我希望你们不要以为这些历史的悲剧和自己毫不相干。 因为这些曾被党国拣选出来的“异类”,这些被伤害链主认为“知道的太多了”的人,这些被群众揪斗,说他们“知识越多越反动”的人,就是当年环境中的你们。 他们头脑里的观点恐怕还远没有今天的你们,已经在改开时代接触过许多现代观念的你们,那么“反动”。 而当年的他们,平均智商远高于当时普通群众,对政治的关注和敏感度也高于今天的伪中产的他们,当然也是尝试过靠谨言慎行自保的。 但在伤害链主挥起的屠刀面前,他们的努力毫无意义。 一场大饥荒,饿死了多少人? 按杨继绳先生相当保守的说法,1958年到1962年,中国非正常死亡3600万人。 那是整整一个澳大利亚加整整一个瑞士的人口数量总和。 所以,朋友们,你们有没有想过,被中共的暴政不断杀死的,是一个又一个国家的人口,是如果能够独立出来,不任由中共政权欺凌,不受由中共洗脑培养出的亿万牲人的裹挟,就有极大可能为自己创造出今日台湾之生活、今日欧洲之生活状态的人口? 这些死难者,是因为“知道的太多了”,是因为家有薄产,才会被划归“地、富、反、坏、右”的。 虽然他们并不比你们知道的更多,严格计算下来,身家也未必比你们中的许多人更富裕。 但正因为他们知道的比当时的一般人更多,他们创造财富的能力、解决问题的能力比一般人略强,所以他们成了伤害链主必须消灭的对象,他们,就是帝国必须摧毁的“敌国”。 虽然他们甚至从未想象过独立出来,抱团取暖,建设起属于自己的国家。 他们为什么必须死? 因为在一个由亿万牲人构成的大国里,他们,是异类。 就象你们,在一个由中共洗脑洗出来的亿万牲人组成的社会里,你们,头脑清醒,心向文明,会“翻墙”出来看世界的你们,是少数,是异类。 我为什么反复宣说新欧洲方案? 因为在我眼中,表面上看来保持着大一统的中共国,在认知层次上,在三观、理念、能力水准上,早就完成了分裂。 你们和你们身边的许多人早就“不是一国的”了。 你们早就成了不可能见容于完全信奉习近平那一套的粉蛆族群的“异类”,他们还没冲上来撕碎你们,分光你们的资财,只是在等,等蛆王的一声号令而已。 如果你们不能和他们分开,不能独立出来建设起属于自己的国家,不能让理当属于你们的冰岛、瑞士、澳大利亚显形于世,你们就会象在中共历次政治运动中死去的人们那样,象在中国历史上无数次涌动过的牲人杀戮狂潮中死去的受难者那样,悄然化为枯骨。 如果中华沦陷区不能转化成新欧洲,不能容许数量居于少数的清醒者汇聚到一起独立建国,不让你们有机会抱团取暖,拒绝数量庞大的牲人的裹挟,让“知道的更多”的特质在适合的环境中成为优势,而不是在牲人主导的环境中成为罪名,你们要怎么办? 今日之中共国,已经是一个在亿万牲人半牲人中掺杂了无数异类的“杂烩”。 我们知道牲人会怎么对他们。 所以,如果异类们不能独立建国,他们将来要怎么活下去?如果沦陷区不能转化为新欧洲,哪个欧美国家能庇护达到这个体量的难民?

帝国的荣耀是建立在诸多被它屠灭的小国小族的尸骨之上的。 中共曾屠灭了一个又一个冰岛体量的“异类之国”,灭绝了一个又一个瑞士体量的“黑五类之国”,饿死了等于一个波兰或者两个荷兰的人口。 朋友们,假如以认知为分界,按文化基因定“种族”,你们该算哪族人? 你们并不是汉族。 你们是蚁族,是月光族。 你们并不是中国人,你们是亡国之民,属于你们的真正祖国,会象母亲一样关心你们的祖国,蚁族的祖国,月光族的祖国,以你们本地方言为官方语言的祖国,不把你们看成异类的祖国,已经被中共屠灭。所以你们才明明生活在“祖国的土地上”,却一直“享受”着亡国奴的待遇。 即使你们愿意接受帝国叙事,愿意象文革中、反右时不幸死去的受难者那样把“毛主席万岁”的口号喊到生命最后一息,帝国这个吃掉了你真正母亲的狼外婆也不会相信你的忠诚,你的“孝顺”。 一个帝国,一群帝国主义者,是不能不把异类看成敌人,不能不把屠灭境内隐藏的“异族”、“异类之国”当成塑造帝国权威的必要手段的。 不解构帝国叙事,沦陷区就不可能摆脱帝国属性,统治者和由他操纵的“主流民意”就不可能不用一种警惕的心态看待疆域内所有的异议者,所有“不和谐”的声音。 我希望你们明白,中共国并不是一个“国家”,它是一个“帝国”。 只有国家,才会把注意力放在治理上。帝国不会,帝国的注意力是放在统治上的。 只有国家才需要应对民众的诉求。帝国,作为国上之国,它要应对的是藩属,是已被它征服,已经丧失了国家名分但仍具备社会治理功能的政治实体,它要维持的只是权威,只是自己高于众国之上的地位,不是全境的繁荣。 为什么生活在中共国“治下”的民众会有如此多的苦痛? 因为你们都是被帝国灭族灭国后的遗民,是在帝国统治者眼中,一旦觉醒就会反叛,一旦富裕起来强大起来就会图谋复国的“非我族类”。 你们没有基本权利的保障,你们得不到本国政府理应提供的治理服务,是因为你们没有属于自己的国家。 你们不是中共这个自称母亲的狼外婆“亲生的”孩子。在那个红色帝国眼里,只有红二代红三代们才有资格享受“亲儿子”的待遇。 在我指出中共宣传系统向你们灌输的那套玩艺儿是帝国叙事时,很多人可能还以为我在夸大其辞。 但如果你肯静下心来,仔细思考一下帝国与国家的差别,帝国的统治需求和国家的发展诉求之间的差别,再静心推想一下,持哪种心态的统治者才有可能包容境内的异议者,在地方民众争取自身利益时不把对方看成“叛乱分子”,在香港人反送中时不指责他们“分裂国家”,在西藏人争取“真正的自治”时不指责他们搞藏独,你就会恍然发觉,中共对人民的倒行逆施,是出于对帝国的维护。 而基于同样的逻辑,任何一个试图在帝国的废墟上重建帝国的人,任何接受了中共那套帝国叙事并不曾透彻反思过的帝国主义者,都会对人民做同样的事。 因为帝国的利益高于人民的利益。 因为,在现代政治观念中,人民的利益高于国家的利益,国家是为人民而存在的。但要维系帝国这种国上之国的存在,帝国利益就必须高于国家的利益,凌驾于人民试图以国家形式存贮和保护的利益之上。 一个帝国主义者,是一定会站在人民的对立面的。 所以人民也只能站在帝国的对立面。 而当你已经站在帝国的对立面,你能找到的维护自身权益的最佳手段,就是建立属于自己的国家,并让属于你自己的国家不再做帝国的藩属,不再做国下之国。 独立,是唯一出路。 你是蚁族、月光族,不是汉族。只有建起属于蚁族的国家,你才有可能摆脱帝国叙事的影响,摆脱帝国主义者打着各种大义旗号对你的吸血盘剥。 你是异类,是帝国主义者的“非我族类”。只有建立起属于异类的国家,你才有可能在牲人的汪洋大海里筑出一个安全岛,和你的同族同类抱团取暖。 “大一统”是什么? 是一片遮羞布,是一片掩盖帝国疆域内的利益冲突,把中央政权对地方利益的侵害合理化正当化的遮羞布。 “大一统”也是一个借口,一个帝国主义者随时可以高举起来压制任何地方利益诉求的借口,一个统治者随时可以用来压制任何异议者,任何反对声音的借口。 由中共倡导的“民族主义”,实际上是帝国主义。 中华沦陷区想要实现民主转型,想要释放真正属于人民的力量,就不能不透彻的反思和批判由中共创建和倡导的这种伪民族主义真帝国主义。 就不能不允许人民建立属于他们自己的国家,不能不允许人民拥有国家,实现自治。 你想要他们不再做牲人,就不能逼他们继续臣服于帝国。 每个关心沦陷区民众福祉的人,每个关注沦陷区民主转型前景的人,都需要明白这一点。 而且,即使你想,大家也回不去了。 中共国亿万民众早就在认知层面完成了分裂。 在改开期间觉醒了的人们已经不可能和深度粉红们“一国”了。 如果不能事实上分居、分治、分裂,已经因觉醒成为异类的人们,会象曾经死去的那一国又一国“地富反坏右”一样,被认知差距过大的“主流”排挤,被无法包容异议的统治者和群众“批倒批臭”,直到从精神到肉体都被完全消灭。 美国不会因观点撕裂在政治现实层面分裂成USA和USB,但中国只能分裂。 才能裂出一点留给非帝国主义者的生存空间。


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from hacxx


from seoireland

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from Against My Better Judgment

Life is short, but it's not as fleeting as my anxiety can make it feel. I have a tendency (and it used to be much worse) to beat myself up for tasks not completed/started, not keeping up with hands-on projects, letting hobbies fall behind, etc. I also feel that I need to be productive all the time, and things that still need doing around the house make me feel like I'm being lazy, even when I'm not. I think this is why I have always avoided picking up hobbies that I didn't think I could keep up with perfectly.

Yesterday I finally got to a couple chores that I had put off for a long time and was despairing of ever starting: pulling weeds from the fall lettuce and organizing our junk-filled shed. I just didn't think I would ever find the time or the energy to do them and that the lettuce and the shed would fall abandoned. But yesterday, by surprise, an occasion presented itself to dedicate the day to the yard, so I got to work and finished the weeds and did about 1/3 of the shed job.

The experience just reminded me that life, and things in life, are not as ready to fall apart as I may think sometimes.


from SUN2tiao

村口无头僧竟是大王的鸟人师父那些事 灵黄 角色属于黑猴 OOC属于我 前排预警 很嗨OOC,为了恶趣味这点醋包的这顿饺子,醋尖酸的,饺子也干瘪,不好看,十分甚至九分的不会好看

“哎听说大王回来了。”一只小鼠妖一边锄地一边冲旁边正在播种的鼠妖说道。 “回来作甚?继续作践咱们?”播种那只头也不抬。 “也不能完全这样说啊,要不是大王,咱们也活不了这么久。” “就这个人不人鼠不鼠的样,倒不如死了。”

就在他们不远处的田里,一个面容英俊,身材健硕匀称,怎么看怎么不像农民的黄毛听个一清二楚。 他很清楚,什么出来散心,什么耕作也是修行,都是借口。逃避,并不总能解决问题。



从谷堆后,走出抚着三弦的有头僧人,倚在谷堆上,干瘪的手扫过琴弦。 见黄风没理他,三弦离开僧人便化作一缕青烟消散。

“走吧,我带你回家。”僧人离开谷堆,手上的三弦也停了下来,冲着面前那人伸出手。 “家?回不去了。”黄风别过头去。 “乖,别闹了。”僧人顺势抱住黄风,任由他怎么挣扎也没放开。 黄风尝试过后便安静下来。 两人四目相对。 “师父,我只有一个问题...” “你在为师心里从来都是独一无二的。”说罢,僧人低头吻上黄风的唇,熟悉而陌生的触感差点击碎理智。 拿回头的灵吉倒是比从前多了几分坦率,坦率的承认了自己的欲望,竟然重新坐回谷堆下面,主动邀请黄风同修大道。 “师父从前可不似这般...”黄风虽嘴上这般说着,身体却很诚实的靠了过去,跪在师父面前俯下身,撩开僧袍那形同虚设的下摆,直挺挺的立着师父的粗壮肉茎。 黄风咽了口唾沫,缓缓将粗大的肉棒吞入口中,顺从的用舌头缠上肉茎,描摹每一寸肌肤和沟壑,自己身下也渐渐抬头。一手揉搓师父精囊,另一手刮去自身吐出的前液伸入后穴缓慢扩张。人形总比不过妖王相那样强悍,多做些准备总是能激发更多快感。 灵吉想想上次同他做这等破戒之事还是在谷底黄风大阵内,一时间差点没守住精关,好在是及时制止了黄风才没这么快泄身。 黄风似是有所察觉:“几日不见,师父功力似乎有所退步,不如这次让孽徒讨教讨教?” 说着,黄风跨坐在灵吉腰上,双手扶稳沾满津液的肉茎,身后小口一寸一寸地吞吐。 “孽徒给师父伺候得如何啊?” 灵吉不语,只是笑笑,手上却悄悄施法。黄风的注意力全在身下,完全没注意到师父的小动作。忽地脚底一滑,整个人失去重心跌坐下去,双膝内扣使不上力,粗壮肉柱死死的钉在身体里,一直顶到最深处,前端也受不住刺激猛烈喷涌,洒满僧袍和裸露在外的胸肌。 师父依然是那副眯眼笑的样子,而他身上的黄风依然是被突然而来的快感冲昏了头,大脑宕机,无法思考。 灵吉两指抹上一缕灵韵,顺着鼠根写写画画,一道刺青般的咒印便烙在柱身上。 此时黄风也渐渐回过神,他明显感觉身体有些不对劲,明明下体还涨得发疼,可看样子却没有一丝挺立的踪迹。 他有些疑惑的望向师父,可灵吉依旧笑着。 僧人没去理会身上斑驳的灵韵痕迹,抱起浑身瘫软的黄风,全身唯一的支撑点只有和师父交合那一处,每一次抽出再进入都伴着重力作用直捣黄龙。 “大王,北边路过的,是不是你那禁卫?” 黄风心头一惊,顺着师父那方向看去,确是有两个鼠影,不过看不真切。 “不要出声哦,大王也不想让手下看到这么狼狈的样子吧。”灵吉附在耳边轻声道。 黄风闻言,紧紧抱住师父,两条腿也盘在师父腰间,轻含着师父肩头却不敢用力咬,口中呻吟变为了呜咽。 “乖哦,如果手下看到了大王原来人后是这幅样子,想必...” 话音未落,只见黄风软趴趴的鼠根好似坏掉的水管,失禁般淌出灵韵,后穴也跟着缩紧。此时灵吉也不再克制,与徒弟一同达到极乐。 不知又过了多久,只知道僧人尽兴之时,黄风却是连人形都难以维持,变回貂鼠本相便昏死过去。

灵吉随手掐诀除却两人身上污秽,撤下结界,将貂鼠揣进怀里,另一只手扛起被当做草叉的点钢叉,沿着田间小路朝着洞府走去。 没走多远,迎面跑来一只鼠,便是刚才路过的鼠禁卫,他早就想找大王汇报沙门村口那个说书的僧人又回来了,不过刚才怎么也寻不到大王踪影,这时候才闻到风中一股鼠骚,顺着风寻过来。 “大王!急报!那——”鼠禁卫喊到一半戛然而止,面前哪有什么大王,他只见僧人怀里揣着鼠条,两人身上虽然干净整洁,却仍散发着浓厚的灵韵气息。他也不是愚笨之鼠,怎还猜不到刚才发生了什么。 灵吉猛地睁眼,猛禽的威压喷薄而出,压的鼠禁卫直接跪倒在地,连连求饶请菩萨恕罪。 “大王今日有些乏了,有什么事改日再说吧。”僧人如是说。 直到两人消失在视线里,鼠禁卫才敢抬起头。



from Jean VOGUET Composer

La diffusion multicanale s’avère souvent problématique car plus l’œuvre comporte de canaux, plus elle est difficilement adaptable à moins d’encoder les signaux.

Alors qu’au milieu du vingtième siècle, un grand nombre de compositeurs dé-standardisaient la configuration des orchestres en créant des contextes spécifiques à chacune de leurs œuvres, soixante dix ans plus tard, nous assistons exactement à l’inverse en musique électronique et acousmatique : une normalisation incroyable et malheureuse des dispositifs de diffusion : en dôme, en cube, en ligne tout autour …

La vie n’est pas ainsi faite, ni souhaitable.

Que ce soit en milieux urbains ou dans la nature, la richesse et la diversité des espaces acoustiques rencontrés ne peut être réduite aux seuls cubes, sphères … et toutes autres structures géométriques.

Dans une composition multicanale, la situation des canaux dans l’espace volumétrique faisant sens, le compositeur est souvent confronté à des choix cornéliens face à la complexité et surtout à la diversité des dispositifs existants. Comment adapter une œuvre conçue pour un dôme à un dispositif style “forêt primaire“ ? Et vice-versa …

Aussi, personnellement, j’ai choisi un processus autre pour ma prochaine œuvre 32 canaux : – 16 canaux sont définis précisément dans l’espace volumétrique ; – et les 16 autres seront adaptables/paramétrables selon la nature et la capacité des dispositifs, en respectant quand même et si possible les coordonnées Z (originelles) et globalement les X & Y.

Ainsi cette œuvre pourra être diffusée plus aisément via divers dispositifs.


Multichannel diffusion often proves problematic, because the more channels a work has, the more difficult it is to adapt it unless the signals are encoded.

Whereas in the middle of the twentieth century, a large number of composers de-standardized orchestral configurations by creating specific contexts for each of their works, seventy years later we are witnessing exactly the opposite in electronic and acousmatic music : an incredible and unfortunate standardization of diffusion devices : in domes, in cubes, in lines all around ...

Life isn't like that, nor is it desirable.

Whether in urban environments or in nature, the richness and diversity of acoustic spaces encountered cannot be reduced to cubes, spheres … and all other geometric structures.

In a multi-channel composition, the location of the channels in the volumetric space makes sense, and the composer is often faced with Cornelian choices when faced with the complexity and, above all, the diversity of existing devices.

How do you adapt a work conceived for a dome to a “primary forest”-style set-up ? And vice-versa …

So, personally, I've chosen a different process for my next 32-channel work : – 16 channels are precisely defined in the volumetric space ; – and the other 16 can be adapted/parameterized according to the nature and capacity of the devices, while still respecting the (original) Z coordinates and X & Y coordinates overall.

In this way, the work can be more easily diffused via a variety of devices.

#JeanVoguet #MusiqueAcousmatique #AcousmaticMusic #ElectronicMusic #MusiqueÉlectronique #musique #acousmatique #acousmatic #music #MultichannelMusic #MusiqueMulticanale

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from hacxx

List of file, image and video hosting sites for November 2024

File Hosting: – FileStore – UploadFox – EasyBytes – Filespayout – DataNodes – File-Upload – WorkUpload – ModsBase – UploadMall – ViKiNG FiLE – SQZFile – Trashbytes – Hidan – Hidan – Flashbang –

Video Hosting: The.Tube – Uqload – Uqload – Uqload – GoodStream – GoodStream – Sendvid – Vinovo – Cda –

Image Hosting: Imagebam –


from nightdream

photo of a bowl of soup, green chili peppers, beans, a head of garlic, and a red pepper mill

i recently bought a new pepper grinder. it cost a little more than I would have liked to spend, but i wanted one that was well made and would last. i wanted it to grind pepper effortlessly, be reasonably sustainable in construction, and be a pleasant object to have around. (with little cupboard space, the pepper grinder would be a long-term counter friend.) when it arrived after a week from germany – smooth, lovely-to-hold bamboo, ceramic works – it smelled of pepper even as i unpacked it, despite the absence of any little corns.

i was not prepared for the delight i felt when i used it the first time. after funneling in the black peppercorns and adjusting the grind setting, i gave it a firm twist. the top and bottom sections moved easily, sprinkling abundant and fragrant flecks over my salad, and satisfying my hands with their shape, temperature, and organic smoothness. and i thought, “maybe the world isn't all that bad.”

it got me thinking.

five years ago, give or take, before the pandemic times set in, i bought a refillable soap dispenser for the bathroom that made me happy every time i washed my hands. it turned liquid peppermint castile soap into a rich mousse, leaving my hands feeling charmingly clean and fresh. yes, charmingly.

and that got me thinking a bit more.

i started thinking about the degradation of material objects and the degradation of life more generally and how those two things might be connected. if you force people to accept a bunch of crap that doesn't work or fails quickly, and if you take away the ability to repair broken things, eventually you might just get people to transfer that acceptance to other aspects of life. lay the groundwork with material commercial trash and prepare the populace to accept the breakdown of civil society a little more easily, with a little less resistance or expectation that society shouldn't be this way and there's something to be done about it. it's just a few more steps from this learned helplessness to the disinformation/misinformation machine powering the bubble-driven, conspiracy-laden world views that enthusiastically roll out the red carpet to welcome tyrannical leaders.

i remember when the world when material goods on offer were a little less shitty. appliances were reasonably reliable and long-lived. often you could repair things that were broken – or find someone else who could. sure, we had useless paper straws, but the ocean wasn't full of plastic. if wore the same clothing items year after year, and could often give them away after years in still-wearable condition.

i remember going into shoe stores and receiving full service. going into department stores and being asked if i needed assistance. finding my size in stock. being able to try clothes on before buying. when making multiple phone calls to resolve a service issue – or waiting an hour or more on hold – was an infuriating novelty.

i remember a few times when political corruption was considered unacceptable by a majority of my fellow citizens and by our government institutions. when a sitting president could be forced out of office.

i remember when employers sent rejection letters to applicants. when friends could call each other on the phone without an appointment. when there wasn't so much isolation and loneliness.

this is starting to sound like one of those awful “when i was kid we drank from the garden hose and we all lived to tell about it” posts. but really, it's hard to interpret the present if you haven't seen the past. i'm not saying the past was great or even better. i'm saying that there are certain things we had for a while and lost.

when i first moved to the community where i've lived for the past 25 years, i checked out a library book about the history of the place. i read accounts from the 1800s describing the sky as black with birds. surely we do not see such large avian populations here now. 20 years when i moved into my current home, a certain few trees attracted red-winged blackbirds every january. year after year i would walk a route that passed those trees just to listen to their trills. but the red-winged blackbirds don't come anymore. and if you've only lived here for 10 years, you'd never know there were here, or what a delight it was to hear their lively chattering in the trees. and you might not think about what their absence could mean.

it's essential to understand what we had and what we've lost.

a couple of weeks ago i walked into an indie-owned hardware store, approached a staffed service desk to ask which aisle to visit for bathtub caulk. i received an escort and some tailored advice and was out the door in less than 10 minutes, which was all the time i had that day. leaving that store, all my stress melted away. i'd thought it would be difficult to accomplish the task in the time i had. i i'd been forced to go somewhere like home depot, it would have been impossible. i remember reflecting on how absurdly happy i felt in that moment. and how that all came down to minimized friction in trying to accomplish a simple and necessary task. and how rare that is. and how intentional that likely is. and how fucked that is.

i'd like to believe that if we could change that – make visits to the store work, make everyday things work and last – maybe we could change so much more socially and politically. but there's an element of putting the cart before the horse here. there's the ongoing contribution of multinational corporations to consider, and the profit-driven, destruction-oriented ethos of global economics, etc., but no need to go into all that here. that's not my point.

i'm just thinking, what if we all had just a few things in our lives – things we interacted with regularly – that actually worked? objects, services, relationships. great service. care. what would it take to re-create the expectation that the world should work? that we should not give in to crap, corruption, and dereliction of duty?

material things seem like a place to start. it's where many of us have the most control. being more intentional about what we buy, to the best of our ability. saying no when possible to throw-away culture.

even if it's only one object. even if it costs a little more than is comfortable. and maybe gifting something like this to someone else in our sphere who might not have the means.

as i'm typing this, it sounds absurd even to me. and yet i think there's perhaps a role for a phenomenological healing of the hopelessness and despair caused by the world we interact with every day.


from RMiddleton

Good morning loving message random thoughts for today

white goodness is to be in eternal conflict throw it off do good, be good, feel good where does that lead my heart? i know this: I must love what I do not like I must love my existence despite it coming out of what I hate paradox compossibility

paradox is more emphasis on conflict; compossibility = 2 things coexist those 2 things? i love my family of origin / they are bad i thought i was going to write a list but doesn't everything flow from that?


from void-shouting

Prefacing this with: I wish no one had any problems around any forms of bigotry in medical systems.

But honestly, able-bodied and thin cishet white men (or those from the local dominant racial/ethnic group) need to realise that their experience of medical treatment and consideration for any problem is not the same as the rest of us.

I spend a lot of time getting told that all of my problems are in my head, even when they manifest physically. I spend a lot of time being told that all of the problems my doctor will recognise are because I'm fat, so they get ignored as things that I need to correct without help (because I “should lose weight”). I spend a lot of time being told that my pain either isn't real or isn't as strong as I say it is.

Because of that, even for problems where I think I can go to my shitty GP who harasses me about how awful or horrible I am? I really fear going to see her. Because I'm tired of my issues being swept under a rug or being hassled about the same few things that I can't do anything about (especially if I'm SICK).