Porn is not your problem. It is easy to say porn it is. Once porn is gone, your life will change. It is the last hurdle, etc.
Nope. It is nothing like that at all.
I have done this so many times.
Nothing changed.
Magical thinking won't work.
It just makes you more miserable.
Because you will feel like once you do this everything will become better, why can't you do it? Why can't you do one thing when so many people are doing so many things at once.
Many people will tell you that you need to abstain completely from pornography.
Nofap, easypeasymethod, etc all advocate for abstaining.
It is the best method. It should be the ultimate goal. Unfortunately, I have not been able to do it so far till now. But still, I have made a lot of progress.
I will tell what worked for me. I was able to go from watching video porn daily to only 3-4 times a month.